Cold Sore Answers – Could You Tell Me How To Cure My Cold Sores?

Cold sore cures – is there a way to cure your sores or is it just sales hype? If you could take a moment, I will tell you both sides of this debate and let you judge if there truly are cold sore cures.

Some people state cold sore cures are not currently possible. Others say they are real and thousands of people are using them successfully everyday.

Which group is telling the truth?

Actually, you may be surprised that both sides of the argument are correct. I know, it sounds crazy. However, it is true. They are just not talking about the same thing.

The people who tell you cold sore cures do not exist actually mean there is no way to remove the herpes simplex virus from your body. This is the virus responsible for all cold sores (also known as fever blisters and oral herpes). Once this Brand Levitra parasite virus infects you, it will remain in your body for a lifetime.

This is absolutely true.

A cure, according to them, must be able to remove the herpes simplex ACH Routing Number BANK OF AMERICA

Since there is no method known to do this, they argue that there are NO cures.

Then there are medical professionals who claim Cialis true cures do exist. They report that they are curing cold sores every day with special treatments and remedies. These folks are talking about being totally free from this virus by removing the symptoms of the disease.

Now, think about this and see if you agree or not.

Every disease has symptoms that identify it. In medical science, doctors will diagnose you with a disease only when you have the measurable symptoms of that illness. If and when they can eliminate all symptoms (cancer for example), they will declare you cured – even if there is chance in the future for the symptoms to return.

Why should this not be true with cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes too? People, just like you and me, are eliminating symptoms and curing these troublesome sores every day throughout the world. You may not be able to remove the virus but you sure can keep it from doing any damage.

Estimates are that nearly 90% of the world residents have the herpes simplex virus in their system. It is very contagious. Even if you were able to rid your body of it, you would likely catch it again quite quickly.

However, it is well documented that you can live with the virus, keep it dormant and never get cold sores. In fact, nearly 40% of those infected will never know it because they will go a lifetime without an outbreak. They somehow have a built in cure.

Whether you desire to remove current sores, or prevent future ones, you will discover there are some excellent cures that will make these desires a reality for you.

However, I would warn you about wild claims by some drug store treatments. Some of them are great for comfort, and that is fine. Just do not expect any more than that. They usually do not shorten the duration of an outbreak by any measurable degree.

Most of these have been around for years. If they actually cured or stopped cold sores, why are so many millions of folks seeking help by reading articles such as this?

There is not one perfect, single cure that will work for everyone. Each of us is different and has different needs. More often than not, you will get best results by combining two or more treatments.

One of the basic cures that you should consider is simply getting started on a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement plan every day. Developing internal resistance by strengthening your immunity is the primary way to truly prevent cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes. All topical treatments are useful only for curing a current outbreak.

In addition, taking lysine supplements will supercharge your vitamin program and your resistance to cold sores. Lysine capsules are cheap, easy to find and work very well in preventing outbreaks.

Be sure to continue to experiment and try the various top cold sore remedies (and there are many really good ones) until you find the best cold sore cures for you.

Author Bio: Want some amazing secrets for curing Cold Sores? Then be stop by Denny Bodoh’s wonderful web site for all the answers you need. Also, you will discover some excellent FREE cold sore cures that will quickly put a smile on your face again. Go to

Category: Health
Keywords: cold sore cures,cold sores,cold sore,cure cold sores,herpes,cold sore remedies

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