How To Choose A Couples Costume Idea

The pressure’s on when you’re going to a Halloween bash, especially if it’s a party for couples. Coming up with an idea for one costume is difficult enough; coming up with an original idea for two can seem impossible. But never fear, with a little brainstorming, Levitra you can find a terrific costume.

First, what not to do. If you want to be memorable, don’t choose propecia and cancer a movie or celebrity couple that has been done over and over (Jasmine and Aladdin, Sonny and Cher, Fred and Wilma, etc.). These costume ideas are no-brainers, so lots of people have used them. You can, however, do a spin on a traditional idea by reversing the roles–have the guy dress as Jasmine and the girl dress as Aladdin. Don’t be afraid to go over the top. For example, if the guy is wearing a Jasmine wig and the girl a big turban, you’ll get a lot of laughs. For even more originality, you can go for supporting movie character pairs: Abu (the monkey) and the magic carpet, the genie and the lamp, or Jafar and Iago (the parrot).

Another great way to find a costume is to look for common pairs in everyday life: two objects or ideas that are frequently put or said together. Salt and pepper may be too obvious, so look for things that are a little more obscure: bacon and an egg, ketchup and mustard, peanut butter and jelly. You can also go for less tangible costume themes, but you’ll have to work harder to get the point across: yin and yang, Tadacip pomp and circumstance, hugs and kisses, for example. You could even adapt book titles and go as sense and sensibility or pride and prejudice.

Instead of natural pairs, you could go as natural opposites. Move beyond the traditional angel and devil motif to things like positive and negative, sweet and salty, question and answer, left and right (or right and wrong). You can have a lot of fun with this, particularly if you pick two traits that match your personalities and/ or mirror your relationship.

Once you have your idea, the fun really begins when you design your costume, especially if you do it as a couple. The most important thing to keep in mind is to choose something you are both excited about and that you can enjoy putting together. After the party is over, you’ll have a great memory (and some great pictures) to look back on.

Author Bio: ( offers the best in party wigs.

Category: Business
Keywords: party wigs, scary Halloween costumes, themed costumes

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