Seven Things You Must Know About Street Attacks & Self Defense

Street attacks are becoming more and more common. No matter your level of self defense awareness or training, no one is immune to this possibility. You can be as careful as you want to be, but you cannot avoid situations in which a street attacks is possible. If it happens, you should be prepared mentally and physically for the best chance of escaping without injury. With this in mind, here are seven things you need to know about surviving street attacks:

1. They happen in an instant. This is particularly true if you’re not paying attention and someone is able to sneak up behind you. The situation can turn from two strangers passing in a parking lot to you becoming the victim of a violent crime in a matter of seconds.

2. The fight won’t happen like in the movies. Too many people believe that they will be able to simply shove the attacker and run away. Your attacker has come prepared for a fight, and won’t give up that easily. Real fighting is not pretty, and you will probably sustain some sort of injury if you must physically fight your way out of an attack


You will have to react quickly in spite of fear. No matter how many times you’ve practiced this scenario in your head, during the moment you are attacked your heart will be racing and all you’ll be feeling is fear. In this instant, your instincts and practice must kick in so that you can get yourself out of the situation. If you want to survive, you will have to fight back immediately and instinctively.

4. cialis 40 mg Protecting yourself is up to you. You are your own first line of self defense. Too many people think that the police will rescue them from an attack, but if there are no police officers nearby, they won’t be able to stop an attack in progress.

5. To get away, you will have to control the situation. How do you do this, if your attacker is the one to hit first? A self defense device, such as pepper spray, will give you a clear advantage for getting away. When it comes to a physical fight, your attacker will probably gain the upper hand unless you have specific self defense training. To stand the best chance of escape, you’ll need to be able to fight back using a stun gun, a TASER device, or another self defense product.

6. Assume that your attacker is armed. Although not always true, this is often the case. Always assume that you’re up against a knife or gun so that you won’t get caught unaware. This is another case in which it is particularly helpful to have a self defense device, such as a stun gun or TASER device, enabling you to fight off the Silagra attack.

7. Don’t be afraid to fight back rough. Use anything you have to your advantage. If you aren’t prepared with a self defense device, use your keys to gouge the attacker’s face, look for anything else you can use as a weapon, kick him in the groin area, or use any other technique you can think of. There’s no such thing as a “fair fight” Cialis Jelly in an attack situation.

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Category: Advice

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