10 Reasons To Stop Smoking

We all know that bad habits always have a drawback.

It is often difficult to overcome because of the pleasant feeling one derives from doing. The worst of these habits is smoking. In terms of addiction, smoking is considered worse than cocaine and coined as the one responsible for millions of deaths each year. Anti-smoking advocates are getting more and more serious in their campaign but most smokers seem not to heed the call.

Most smokers refuse to accept the hazards of their habit and tend to ignore the dangers especially when their system doesn’t show any problems. In most cases, they only become Viagra Jelly conscious of their health once they experience the first wave of health problems.

You may be one of those who decided to quit the habit, the reason why you are reading this. The sooner you quit smoking, the sooner you will feel much better in the days ahead. The following reasons will surely be good enough for you to quit smoking:

1. Smokers have a higher risk of cancer. Aside from lung cancer, mouth cancer is also common in smokers.

2. The tar, nicotine and other compounds contained in tobacco cigarette cause serious health problems.

3. Shorter life and quicker aging (spots and wrinkles) are often blamed on smoking tobacco cigarette.

4. Smokers have higher risk of ear and eye problems.

5. Inhalation of second hand smoke brings equal health risk as to that of the one who smokes.

6. Smelly breath, yellowed teeth or clothes that stink because of smoking is never impressive.

7. A pregnant woman who is exposed to smoking and second hand smoke is endangering the life of the child in her womb.

8. Quitting smoking promises fewer common colds, flu or tonsillitis.

9. Financial gain without having to buy a pack of cigarette each day.

10. Kamagra Better feeling about oneself due to absence of nicotine propecia and acne and other substance in the body.

You have the reasons above, now you have to decide and make some action. If you find quitting very drastic and difficult, you may try other safer smoking aids like the latest innovation – the electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarette or smokeless cigarette is the safest alternative to smoking. The traditional tobacco smoke that is carcinogenic is not produced in smoking the electronic cigarette. It comes in different levels of nicotine that may aid in gradual quitting.

Tobacco cigarette smoking is a terrible habit and it guarantees severe sickness later in life. So make yourself ready to quit today if you want to have healthy and longer life.

Author Bio: Stephen Thompson, freelance writer. He’s a fan of the safe cig. He enjoys using the safe cig. He agrees that the safe cig is a healthy alternative to smoking.

Category: Health/Wellness
Keywords: e-cig, ecig, safe cig

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