Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder Is Prevalent During Divorce

Separation anxiety disorder is a term denoting a psychological state of mind. In simplest terms, the removal of a person — with whom the patient has formed a strong emotional bond — results in measurable anxiety attacks. In children, this behavior is often noticed during caretaker changes, specifically in cases of divorce or foster parenting. (Do not confuse the disorder with the well-known but only tangentially related separation anxiety that is apparent on the first few days and weeks of preschool or kindergarten.) Interestingly enough, adult separation-related disorders have never truly entered the mainstream as a bona fide condition, even though they are common during divorce proceedings. Nevertheless, many adults fail to seek or receive help for these problems which, in extreme cases, can be so debilitating as to paralyze the sufferer and disable her or him from normal functioning at work and in daily relationships.

Recognizing adult separation anxiety attacks as clinical conditions did not occur until the late 1990s; it was then that treatment for these attacks became possible for those patients who underwent particularly painful divorce proceedings. Consider that a marriage partner ? for better or worse ? is oftentimes the one true best friend, confidante and person with whom someone feels the most comfortable. Even if the marriage fails, the upcoming separation and permanent loss of that person is certain to cause apprehension in most anyone. For some adults, this kind of psychological trauma goes even further and results in the disorder.

It is possible to suffer from this condition even without actually going through a divorce. In these cases a treatment for nervousness offers measurable results that are underscored by a supportive relationship with the person who is likely the object of angst attacks. During dissolution of marriage, the adult separation anxiety attacks can only receive one-sided treatment since here the loss is not irrational but actually occurring. It is noteworthy that no age group is exempt from suffering the effects cialis 8 cpr riv0mg of the disorder. Levitra Even senior citizens may require treatment if they lose the continued presence of a loved one.

Detecting the presence of the disorder is not easy. In many cases there are concurrent psychological issues that feature into the overall experience of adult separation anxiety attacks. They include excessive worrying about the loss of the spouse, a refusal to plan for life without the person, interrupted sleep or nightmares that center on the theme of separation in a variety of symbolic expressions, Kamagra Soft bouts of crying and even the development of co-morbid conditions.

The latter may include panic disorders, the formation of social phobias and also clinical depression. Sufferers from the disorders are considered to have a three times higher risk of becoming addicted to illicit drugs. It is worrisome that currently there is actually no standardized treatment for anxiety of this kind. As those affected by the condition experience a severe impact on their personal and professional lives, mental health professionals oftentimes only have the opportunity to treat one or more symptoms, especially when the patient fails to seek out help on a consistent basis.

Author Bio: Stephen Daniels is an acclaimed SEO 2.0 researcher of practices, products, and services for a variety of industries. If you are looking for a San Clemente psychologist to treat your anxiety, he recommends Professional Psychology Co.

Category: Health
Keywords: San Clemente psychologist, adult separation anxiety attacks, treatment for anxiety

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