Boost Your Human Growth Hormone Level Naturally

Your own human growth hormone or hgh is produced naturally by your pituitary gland which resides just below your brain. This hormone is regulated by other body processes and is released throughout your entire lifespan.

During your younger days until your early twenties, the hgh is responsible for regulating your growing years until you reach adulthood. This is when the natural production of the hormone begins to decline. This is bad news indeed because as the production of this hormone declines, our aging process proceeds in tandem until we die of old age or succumb to diseases. Therefore this is an important hormone as it controls numerous metabolic functions and body processes.

There is a direct correlation between the drop in hgh levels and the onset of physical changes associated with the aging process such as low energy levels, increased in fatty tissues, decreased in muscle strength and size, increased risks of age related diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, high cholesterol levels, cancers and erectile dysfunction amongst many others.
That is why there is a very keen interest in the research of finding solutions to slow down the decline of our natural production and even boost the level of hgh in our bodies with the possibility of reversing some age related problems by scientists all over the world.

In the early days when doctors first started to use hgh therapy, it was used mainly for children with arrested growth due a deficiency of the human growth hormone. During those time, hgh was harvested from the pituitary glands of human cadavers and given to patients by injections. Cialis Professional Can you imagine what was it like to inject a dead person’s hgh into your body


Thankfully with modern science, we are now able to produce synthetic hgh in the laboratories and thus the horrifying and dangerous practices of getting it from human cadavers has been discontinued for quite sometime now.

There are some major problems though. Because laboratory produced hgh is a tedious process and synthetic in nature, along with it are issues with legality, safety because of numerous side effects and affordability which is out of reach of most people. These are the reasons why there is a great interest to find out how to boost our own hgh production naturally.

Common approaches to this are usually attempts to stimulate the aging pituitary gland to produce more of the hormone. It is also now known that intensive physical workout exercises and getting does female cialis work enough sleep can and do boost our body’s own production of the growth hormones.

For people who do not exercise or get enough sleep, dietary supplements may be the way to go for there are compelling evidence that certain supplements may stimulate the release of hgh into the blood circulation to create the anti aging effect. The supplements are not hgh per se, but are pills made from natural herbs to stimulate our bodies to produce more Kamagra Gold growth hormones.

So if you desire to slow down your aging process and perhaps even adding years to your lifespan, do start a healthy exercise workout program, have more sleep and supplement with natural human growth hormone stimulants.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness and health consultant. Read his free articles at Natural Hgh Human Growth Hormone Supplements and Exercise Workout With Singapore Personal Trainers

Category: Health
Keywords: hgh, human growth hormones, anti aging, exercise, workout

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