Brutal Legend – Worth the Money?

Brutal Legend is a fine game that does a brilliant job of mixing rock music with Cialis Jelly video game playing. What better way to play a video game then to have some of your favourite tunes as a back drop. The music and components in this game make up for any short fallings in the game playing itself.

Anyone who is a guitar fan will love the video game just for its rock component, concerts featuring popular bands, and legendary appearances from old rockers. The ability for the game to add rock music and instruments to the game play, make it a sure win for anyone who loves the music.

The voice of the main character is Jack Black so people will enjoy listening to his familiar voice and to the sarcastic and humorous tone that the main character has. If you are a fan of Jack Black and rock music and video games, then this is the perfect mash of the trio.

Eddie Riggs who is the lead character is transported to a new world which happens to be his version of heaven. It is a world full of crumbling statures honouring Gods and Titans of the past.

Many of the characters are interesting and funny. Ozzy Osborn plays the part of a shop keeper who sells things needed in the world. He sells items and he sells his own musical instruments such as his battle axe, and guitar and his infamous; The Deuce.

Other characters make appearances such as Lemmy who plays a concert and acts as a healer to Eddie`s group Silagra of followers.

The great thing about this game is that you can stick to the regular mission who is to defeat Doiculus and Lionwhyte or scatter to find secondary missions. The secondary missions are helpful to earn money. You can be rewarded with fire tributes and points. The points in the game act as currency so you can buy upgrades on weapons, vehicles and make cash to buy things from the store.

The only downside to this game is that the secondary missions get boring after awhile. All of the missions have the same theme. It also gets boring because you can purchase most of the upgrades at the beginning of the game which leaves not much to wait for.

This game doesn`t have the usual amazing fighting or special effects that many might be used to seeing in a combat video game, but it does have some detailed environments that make it interesting to look at as you walk around the world. Much thought was put into the detail and the adding of rock music particles throughout, many rock instruments and objects are placed around and create a sort of surprising and entertaining element as you plug through.

The graphics are fine, except for when you are driving around in a vehicle and the colors kind of go funny as the environments struggle to keep up with the constant change.

Any gamer who likes fighting games will like playing Brutal Legend. The music, musicians and famous voice over are other reasons to buy and play this game. It is definitely entertaining if not anything else and will provide some interesting game play. It is not for the player who needs to be constantly challenged as that quickly fades away in this game.

Author Bio: You can have access to articles about video game in Portuguese language from page Video_Game Roberto Sedycias works propecia allergy as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Brutal Legend, video game

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