Database as Dynamic Audit Sensor that Improves Security

There is a growing understanding that database information can greatly assist verification and accuracy efforts of audits and software assisted management of auxiliary software that participates in the process.

A series of scripted scenarios are making their rounds through out the internet and even though each scenario by itself doesn’t amount to much, their combination with each other and through a bit of innovative scripted glue are rapidly hinting at a new scheme that incorporates security into software systems and uses a database as more than just a relational storage device.

Newly formed database communications-channels Kamagra jelly are opened up by feeding xml procedure and reference-point commands to this software via database queries and establishing a set of verifiable records in the audit table.

The queries act as dynamic interrogations while the database acts as an array of sensors that can detect variations based on the combination of current real-time readings and correlated database queries.

This combination of this kind of activity represents traditional Q & A exchanges.

The over the counter propecia new audit software coupled with special records adapted to the company’s operational policies and procedures allows the determination of each operation as it is performed and records what employee had created or participated in the historical transaction. Employee identification is often determined either Tadalis SX by their sign in data or via previously determined heuristic algorithms agreed upon by both management and employees.

Because of the growing complexities of computer and software technology, an audit may be the only way to determine what caused a system failure or crash. The technique implemented here is not designed to address human mistakes. This audit process is adapted to reign in machine complexity.

Audit records resulting from this recommended procedure can be stored in xml formatted files and reused for further analysis, training, simulation or future audits.

Further analysis might reveal new opportunities for future audits and any number of software printing programs can be used to convert the xml-formatted data into training material that would assist your company in the effort to improve current business work-flow.

The methodology described in this article will work with any type of database including Oracle, Microsoft and others. In addition, a real-time version of this technique will allow live-auditing to ensure that unnecessary functions are automatically disabled, which prevents the functions from being exploited by a hacker.

The first versions will concentrate on the complexity aspects of computer operating systems. After that, and with some proof-in-the-pudding experience, the next versions will concentrate heavily on the presence-behavior pattern of hackers and less-than reputable users.

Author Bio: Tom Gruich is a professional database and software designer with 40 years experience in systems analysis and design of database software applications. For more database business mapping thoughts and money-making design ideas please visit Business Database Software or his Smart Database website at =>

Category: Computers/Databases
Keywords: database,design,audit,security,business

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