Get Ready to Do Some Pull-Ups

The idea of pull-ups can mean different things for different people. For some, they may create a thought similar to a death sentence.

All you remember is those fitness tests in middle schools where you had to see how many pull-ups you could do. Your scrawny little body, which was only fueled by Chips Ahoy and Capri Sun, could barely crank out two pathetic pull-ups.

For others, pull-ups are a joy to think about. You might think back to high school at that great graduation party you went to.

There was a contest to see who could pull their body up the most times, and you didn’t break a sweat. Your ripped pectorals bulged back and forth as you pulled your arms up and down.

You won by a landslide. You gained the respect of your fellow classmates, and better yet, you gained the admiration of some cute girls that were there watching you.

Whether you’re built like Arnold Schwarzenegger or you look more like an asthmatic cub scout, pull-ups can be a great home fitness idea for anyone. Knowing more information about them and the proper way canadian generic viagra to do them can alleviate some fears that some may have about this vertical workout.

To start this great routine, you first need to find a pull-up bar to use. If you have a gym membership, your gym is sure to have bars installed somewhere inside their facility.

For those who don’t have fitness memberships or prefer to work out at home, there are many different options for bars. The first decision to make is concerning how the bar will be installed.

Some bars screw straight into a door frame. If you live by yourself and don’t care about the scars that it might leave behind, this would be a good idea.

But if you have roommates or you don’t live alone, this might not be the best of ideas. There are also bars for sale that can snugly rest on the top of a door frame without screwing or bolting into the door wood.

Once you have the bar installed in your home, now it is time to decide what type of pull-ups you want to challenge yourself with. Here are some of the different kinds that you can try for yourself.

Standard: This is most likely the one that embarrassed you in middle school. It is the most common of all the types.

You begin with an overhand grip on the bar. Raise the body up until your chin clears the bar, then lower the body back down until your arms are fully extended. You can repeat this as many times as you can.

Behind-the-neck: This is similar to a standard but the goal is to touch the bottom of the bar with the back of your neck. You can achieve this by lowering your chin at the beginning of the routine and keeping that position the entire motion.

These next types might be for more advanced trainers. prescription cialis generic Do not try them if you don’t feel comfortable doing the above types.

Weighted: Do any type but add weight, such as grasping a weighted dumbbell with your feel and holding it while you do the push-up.

One-Arm: This is quite a difficult type. It involves doing a standard but only using one hand while you move your body up.

Mixed Grip: This can add some variation to the types that you choose on doing. It involves using the overhand grip on one hand, and an underhand grip on the other.

Supine Row: This is sometimes called a “reverse push-up”. Place your bar 2 to 3 feet off the floor. Sit on the floor, extending your arms until they grab the rod.

When your arms are extended, push your body up until Kamagra your chest hits the rod. This workout can give a needed flavor to your routine.

Pull-ups can be a great workout for your arms and upper body.

If you are consistent, you will be looking at great bodily results.

Get off the couch and go buy yourself a bar! You’ll go from scrawny nerd to the life of the party in no time!

Author Bio: Ignacio Lopez has worked in the exercise and health industry for 27 years. When searching for a good deal on exercise equipment he suggests using a Nordictrack promotion codes.

Contact Info:
Ignacio Lopez

Category: Fitness/Muscle Building
Keywords: Nordictrack promotion codes

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