Getting Acquainted With Your Spirit Guide

It is believed by many throughout the world that humans are blessed with a spirit guide, or more than one, to protect and support us throughout our lives. These spirit guides are believed to be spiritual entities who have been freed from the cycle of birth and death through many reincarnations, perhaps ancient ancestors or those known in past lives, who are willing offer great knowledge and wisdom to those enabled to communicate with them. Others, such as those in Native American cultures, believe spirit guides to be animals who share great wisdom and protection, without which we frail humans could never survive in this dangerous world.

It isn’t required to be a psychic medium to meet and communicate with your spirit guide in order to benefit from the knowledge and wisdom such a relationship offers. There are simple meditation techniques that employ relaxation and visualization to enable an entry into the mind-space where we are able to see and communicate with our spirit guides.

Begin by setting aside 15 to 20 minutes a day in a comfortable place without distraction. Close your eyes and relax in a comfortable chair, breathing deeply. Every time you exhale, feel the release of worries and stresses, visualizing them leaving your body in a dark cloud, then dispersing into nothing.

Picture a path ahead of you leading through a meadow into a welcoming woodland. Follow the path, observing the grasses, flowers, trees, and sky. Greet the birds cialis buy online and animals you encounter, accepting any gifts they may offer with thanks. Don’t fear any that you meet, since they are all there to guide and protect. When you come to a waterfall, step underneath and feel the water bathing and purifying your body. Take your time to enjoy the sensations and fragrances surrounding you.

Behind the waterfall, seek the opening into the clearing on the other side. This is the space where the physical world meets the spiritual world and there you will find your spirit guide. Your spirit guide may be sitting in front of a structure, or may come walking towards you in the clearing. The face and shape may be unknown to you or feel very familiar. Your Levitra spirit guide may speak or communicate through expressions, gestures, or gifts. Sit quietly, especially during your first few visits with your spirit guide, and allow your guide to take the lead.

You will know when it’s time to leave. Thank your guide for the time spent with you before following the path that will lead to a small bridge that will take you back to where you began. When you open your eyes, you will feel refreshed, relaxed, and stress-free, as though waking from a rejuvenating sleep.

Practiced daily, this mediation offers healing as well as spiritual benefits, by reducing stress and recharging your energy. It will enable you to quickly enter a place of peace during the most chaotic times, finding strength Kamagra Soft and wisdom to see you through it with grace.

Author Bio: ( It was not until many years later that I painted my first spirit guide portrait and psychic portrait and finally became certified as a Reiki II.

Category: Business
Keywords: psychic portrait, spirit guide portrait, visionary artist

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