How Does the Electronic Cigarette Work?

The Electronic Cigarette became popular in the year 2006 and has taken several names like safe cig, smokeless cigarette or e-ci. It is a battery-powered device that comes in three parts: the rechargeable battery, the atomizer and the cartridge. The smoker inhale doses of nicotine in different levels by way of vaporized solutions. The vapor provides the same flavor and physical sensation to smoking a real tobacco cigarette. It is being promoted as the safest alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes and a gentle way to gradually quit smoking.

This device takes the form of a real tobacco cigarette and you can hardly the see difference. The safe cigarette does not involve combustion. In short, it does not need flame or a lighter.

The safe cig is a reusable device with replaceable and refillable parts:

Cartridge or the mouthpiece

The cartridge or mouthpiece is attached to the end of the tube and resembles the traditional tobacco cigarette filter. It comes as a small disposable plastic cup-like. This part holds an absorbent Kamagra jelly material saturated with a flavored liquid, glycol and flavor which may contain nicotine. The inner cup makes it possible for the air to flow around it and through a home in the outer piece. This moves the vapor into the user’s mouth through suction. When the solution is used up, it can be refilled or replaced with another cartridge.


The atomizer is the heating element that vaporizes the liquid in the mouthpiece to be inhaled by the smoker. When the smoker inhales through the mouthpiece, the atomizer is activated and then vapor-like smoke is produced. It is like you are getting a real cigarette smoke but in this case, it is harmless. The atomizer stays for one month on the average and then it needs to be replaced. When the smoke that comes out of the e-cig has reduced, it is a sign that the atomizer needs replacing. Some brands produce atomizer and pre-filled cartridge into one component.

Rechargeable Battery

The battery is the largest component of the safe cig. The atomizer is powered by a lithium battery controlled by the sensor. At the other end, the LED lights up like a burning glow of a tobacco cigarette. When the device stops functioning, it is an indication that it needs to be recharged. The battery can be recharged by using the supplied cartridge, USB and wall charger. Battery life depends on the frequency of use and battery type and size.

Nicotine Solution

The Nicotine Solution is the soul of the e-cig and is sold separately. It is sometimes called e-liquid or e-juice. It commonly contains flavoring like menthol, vanilla, caramel and coffee. There are also solutions that don’t contain nicotine or zero-nicotine.

The modern device offers the same satisfaction and experience to that of smoking tobacco cigarette. It is the safer alternative to gradually eliminate nicotine cravings without the risk of cancer and other diseases brought by smoking the real thing.

Author Bio: Stephen Thompson is a big fan of the best electric cigarette. He agrees that best electronic cigarette is a healthy Cialis Jelly way to get a nicotine fix and successfully quit smoking.

Category: Health/Wellness
Keywords: propecia missed dose the safe cig, e-cig

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