How to Make Money Online Part 3 – Choosing the Best Product to Promote

Last time, we looked at how to get started in affiliate marketing, now we will look at one of the first steps everyone needs to do. Product research.

The best place to choose products from I believe is Clickbank. They are the largest online marketplace, they deal with all the payments and tracking. They pay twice a month without fail, I think they are definitely the place to start your affiliate marketing business.

To begin searching for products to promote, open up the Clickbank website and click on “Marketplace”. This will bring up a list of 23 categories on the left, ranging from Arts and Entertainment, though to Travel. One method of searching for a great product to make money online is to manually browse though the products. This can be very time consuming however so I would recommend using the search feature.

To do a search for a product in a niche you are interested in, you can type a subject directly into the search box, and it will search by “Keyword Relevance” by default. I didn’t find this particularly helpful, so will explain how to find the best products by using the advanced search feature.

When you click into the Advanced Search page you will see a list of options you can filter your is generic viagra real search results by. To find the best products to promote, there are two filters which are invaluable. These are the “Gravity” filter and the “Affiliate Page” filter. If you haven’t heard the term Gravity before, it is basically how popular

the product is with affiliates. The higher the gravity, the more affiliate are promoting it. I believe it is best to go for a product which has a high gravity, as this means it is selling very well and lots of people are buying the product.

Some people try to stay away from these as there is more competition for that product. This may be true, but there are billions Kamagra of people using the internet, and if you setup your Affiliate marketing business correctly, you will make sales and attract people, no matter how much competition there is.

So when we do a search, for example “Lose weight fast” we want to search for those products with a high gravity, and who has an affiliate support page. This is very important because when you choose a product, you are prescription cialis generic committing yourself for a long time of promoting that product. You will want to choose a product which has all the tools and hard work done for you, ready for you to use. We will be spending our time generating traffic, not weeks of research and setting up landing pages etc.

When doing a search, it is useful to search only the category you are interested in; otherwise all sorts of products come up on the search, which are not directly related to the type of product you are looking for.

There are affiliate support programs which can be subscribed to, which have their own search tools for clickbank. One of these I have used and it had a fantastic feature which allowed you to view the products gravity score over time. This immediately shows if the product is still becoming popular, or has past its best.

Author Bio: David Mee uses Clickbank to find fantastic products. He has used several training programs which has helped him tremendously in choosing the absolute best products to make money online. He has done a detailed review of these training programs. Visit to see if these courses will help you.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: How to make money online,make money online free,make easy money online,earn or make online money

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