How to Make Money Online Part 6 – What do I Put on my Website?
We have looked previously at the nuts and bolts of getting a website published on the Internet, but for those who don’t know how to earn or make money online; deciding what exactly to put on the website is the hardest part of the whole process.
Everything else in the process is mainly mechanical, but publishing a website requires creativity.
So what is the idea of sending people to your web page first? How does this help you sell the product to people? There has been a lot of research over the years which has shown that someone will be more likely to buy a product if they build a relationship with you. The only way someone will build a relationship with you is if you are genuine and honest on your website!
We all have a very good idea when we are being lied to when we visit websites, so the best way to come across genuine and honest is to actually be honest on your website. If you are doing a product review, actually review the product. If you say you have used the product and recommend it, then make sure you have.
There are a few ways to setup your website, or landing page, as they are referred to.
1. As a sales page for the product – sometimes you may want to write your own sales page and send people directly to the checkout page.
You would generally only do this if you knew it was a great product, but the official sales page was terrible.
2. A single product review page – A review is a great way to pre-sell the product, as long as it is honest and doesn’t sound like a sales pitch.
3. A multiple product review page – A Kamagra Soft more official looking page with multiple products compared side by side is also a great way to warm up the people you have directed to your site.
Any product which you have chosen should be a great product, which will really help the person who is interested enough to look at your page. Choosing a good quality product to review on your landing page is critical, because you want the person buying to come and buy through you again.
There are different ways to layout your page, and different approaches work for different people who are visiting your site. I don’t think it is critical exactly how the site is laid out, as long as it is simple and easy to follow. Some pages work very well with just enough information on it to tell the visitor what you are promoting, others can go into a lot of detail, and require the visitor to scroll right down to the bottom to access the product. Sometimes the best approach is to try it and see what works for you. Remember that you are finding people with a need and providing a means to help them.
Next time we will look at different forms of traffic, and the pros and cons of free traffic and paid traffic.
Author Bio: David Mee has learned by trial and error how to make money online and which training programs are the best value for money. splitting propecia David has reviewed two of the best training courses he has used, and has put together some useful information for those just starting out. Visit to see if any these training courses will help you.
Category: Internet
Keywords: No prescription cialis How to make money online ,make easy money online,earn or make online money,how to make a website