Is Liposuction Right For You?

Before committing to a liposuction procedure to remove your unwanted fat, there are many potential risks you should consider seriously. Some risks could even lead to fatality, and it’s vital that you fully understand these risks before going under the knife.

Because a small metal tube, called a cannula, is used to puncture the patient’s tissue during the process, there is a possibility of organ puncture during the surgery. cialis mg dosage The cannula will be used through incisions in the skin to move within the targeted areas of the body, and requires extreme precision on the doctor’s part to not stray from the immediate vicinity. Abdominal liposuction especially poses this risk as the proximity of vital organs to the procedure site is so prominent.

The cannula will suck the unwanted fat from the body using a vacuum extraction, which can sometimes cause Brand Cialis a problem for the patient as it pulls out surrounding nerves and tissue. This mistake can lead to numbness or nerve damage that can seriously handicap the patient. After the procedure, swelling can also take a toll on the nerves and possibly create a negative effect for the patient. Numbness may be temporary or permanent, but should be weighed as a risk along with the process.

A blocked blood vessel, called an embolism, is a scary but very real risk of undergoing liposuction. Although very rare, embolisms can occur if fat cells clot after entering the blood through damaged blood vessels. This can be life threatening.

Perhaps the most common risks associated with it are the risks of infection and allergic reaction. Infection can occur after any majorly surgery, and liposuction is no exception. Bacteria can enter the body during the surgery a number of ways, including through the cannula itself. There are no guarantees that the surgical tools were properly sterilized before the procedure, and infection may happen no matter the preparations made. Allergies are also a common risk factor and cannot always be accounted for ahead of time. If you have an allergic reaction during your liposuction procedure, usually to the anesthetic administered before the surgical treatment, this could be potentially fatal.

Some people who undergo this process surprisingly feel increased body dissatisfaction after the surgery rather than decreased. This is usually caused by the imperfections associated with surgery, namely the scars, sagging skin and other aesthetic abnormalities. Patients may feel less attractive than before and this can be a very real and disappointing effect of this.

It’s very important to consider these risks before committing to it, and to talk frankly with your doctor about your options.
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Author Bio: Depending on your situation, liposuction treatment can be applied to more than one area at any given time.

It can be used to reduce breast size in men, as well as remove things like fat tumors, or for body shaping and body sculpting. To know more, visit

Category: Health
Keywords: liposuction,laser liposuction, chin liposuction

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