More Than Cake And Ice Cream: Great Food For Kids’ Parties

What says birthday party quite like rounded scoops of ice cream melting into the crumbs of a big, gooey slice of cake? For most American kids, cake and ice cream are the refreshments of choice when celebrating a birthday.
However, concerns about the amount of sugar your kids are eating might have you thinking of shaking things up a little. While cake and ice cream have long been the traditional birthday party fare, by using a little creativity you can serve up food that’s both fun and healthful for active bodies.

Serving foods that make kids smile isn’t all that difficult. Because kids love finger foods, you could create a whole menu around cuisine meant to be handled.

Do a little research in children’s cookbooks and family magazines to unearth easy recipes you might just end up using again and again. Picky eaters can often be persuaded to eat their vegetables if the vegetable is dressed like a bug, face, car, or other surprising item. Try offering a platter of cut-up fruits such as legal Tadalis SX viagra watermelon and pineapple chunks, orange sections, grapes, strawberries, and thick banana slices and allowing each child to skewer the fruit onto shish-kebab Cialis sticks. The same idea can be used for cheese chunks and pieces of lunch meat, served with crinkle-cut carrots and other raw veggies and dip.

Being permitted to concoct a recipe for a fruit smoothie will also keep the kids in stitches, especially during the hot summer months. Gather fresh or frozen berries and fruit chunks (bags of frozen fruit and berries are easy to find at the grocery store), sherbet, ice cubes, and fruit juice. Let each child decide how much of each ingredient they want (with a little help from an adult, of course) and then blend up a glass of smooth, cold, deliciousness.

For older children, making food as part of the festivities can be a fun part of any party. Putting together pizzas, for instance, offers a great opportunity for kids to get creative while they build the perfect pie. Provide the crust and the toppings and let them have a ball. You can even have contests for “Best Pepperoni Face,” “Most Decorated,” “Best Combination,” etc.

Making bread, shaking cream into butter, and, for smaller children, mixing and stirring ingredients can be as much fun at a party as other games. Plus, you can forego the popular treat bag full of sugary candies and let them proudly take home something they helped to make.

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Keywords: event planning atlanta

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