My Experience With a Cult
When I was in my late teens to twenty years old, I got involved in a cult. It’s true.
Looking back, it’s hard to believe I fell for all their nonsense. But I did. I ate it up hook, line and sinker and ended up handing over thousands of dollars to someone who was disguised as a ‘spiritual leader’… but was really just a powerful communicator with a lot of certainty… who didn’t have my interests at heart.
I’m not going to go into what the cult was all about… or who they were… right now. I think that’s better left in the past. But I am going to tell you what I learnt…
Never trust a guru
Never hand your over to anyone else
Trust your gut feeling above everything else
The person with the most certainty rules the system
People can be easily influenced by a powerful leader
Some powerful lessons to get at a young age. I went through a period where I slept only 12 hours in 7 days. I paid for counseling to be criticized and told everything I thought I knew was wrong. Needless to say it was a horrible experience which taught me a lot.
But I never thought it was a cult. And neither did anybody else who was in the group. Interestingly enough, there were some very intelligent people involved who were high up in their chosen professions.
It was only just after my 21st birthday when I came down with chicken pox and went home to my mothers to recover that I received Cialis Jelly Silagra a call from a friend (who was much more involved than I was) telling me “Scott, it’s a cult.” At first, I thought she was crazy. But then I listened at first, I thought she was crazy. But then I listened and came to the same conclusion. We had all been slowly brainwashed… like a frog who sits in cold water while it is slowly heated up… and eventually boils to death because he can’t notice the subtle changes.
What was even more interesting is that after that, I told other people in this group about my experience. Needless to say, I never heard from them again. These were friends I had known for a couple of years. Friends I invited to my 21st Birthday party. Friends no longer. I have often reflected about my experience with that cult.
Essentially, everyone involved in a cult believes in a particular set of belief systems. But isn’t that really an exaggerated example of what happens to us all.
We fall for the belief system that there’s not enough money. We fall for the belief system business is hard. We fall for the belief it’s difficult to get new cus
tomers. We fall for the belief life is tough. We fall for the belief system that it’s difficult for us to create wealth. We believe it’s impossible to create a successful and prosperous business fast. We think it might be possible for others, but not for us.
We are all “programmed” from an early age into thinking a certain way based on our upbringing. And there comes a time in our life when we need to “deprogram” ourselves from all the junk and start to believe it’s possible because the truth is our beliefs really do create our reality.
I know this from my own experience. That’s one of the main reasons why the rich get richer. That’s one of the main reasons why the poor get poorer.
But obviously, you can’t change your beliefs… sit on your butt… and expect to get wealthy overnight. You’ve got to work at it. You’ve got to hustle. You’ve got to “see it before you believe it” and then work to create the life of your dreams.
And when you have those little successes, it changes your beliefs which make it easier and easier to go to the next level propecia baby whereby your beliefs shift again.
Author Bio: Scott Bywater is a direct mail copywriter and the author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To get access to his highly prized complimentary copy of “7 Ways To Get More Customers” (valued at $29.95) and to join his newsletter head on over to his website at
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