Shortcut To Riches – Are There Sure Ways To Pick Lottery Numbers

Instant wealth has been the favourite dream of the working masses for all of human history. Games of chance such as the many lotteries that abound are a good example of how folks try to attain that dream. And although the chances of your or I ever becoming fabulously wealthy overnight playing the lottery are slim to say the least, these lotteries keep producing millionaires which spur the millions who play them on to buy another ticket. Question is “is there a way to pick lottery numbers that can swing the odds in your favour”?

The answer to that thorny question lays in the players beliefs. Lotteries, much like most formalized gambling, are normally heavily regulated and are games without bias and totally random in the results they produce. When it comes to “winning formulas” for picking those magical 6 numbers there as many different theories as there are players.

Personally I base my assumptions on a career in the casino industry where one gets to know the theory behind gaming probability very well. To my mind there are no real sure fire answers, but that just me. There are many that would beg to differ and can quote from impressive fact sheets to back up their claims so let’s take a look at some of tablet viagra their tips.

Hot and cold numbers are one old time favourite when choosing your spread. Most lottery operators post stats on past games and publish hot and cold lists based on past winning combinations. The principle behind this theory is that choosing numbers that have historically come up more frequently will give you an edge. If you favourite lottery does not post these statistics you will have to compile a history yourself.

Choosing you lotto numbers based on numerical sequences drawn from birthdays, other important dates, names, house numbers or any significant item or issue that can be expressed numerically is another popular method. There is, however, no scientific basis for this and it comes down to personal preference.

Using complex mathematical calculations seems to be a sound scientific method of sorting those illusive numbers for each draw. Experience has taught though that these Kamagra methods do little to increase the win frequency for those using them. The possible permutations are just too numerous.

Number generators and quick picks are probably one of the most used tools for picking lottery numbers. These usually work on the same sort of random number generator that drives most electronic gambling devices and produce totally random sequences of numbers and simply do away with the agony of making the choice yourself.

Patterns and number groupings are used by many folks to make their choices and work by making a pre-selected pattern of marks on the lottery ticket or choosing only even, odd or any other number grouping. As far as I’m concerned this just limits the player as the results are totally random and choosing only numbers that start with 1 for example will just exclude most of the potential choices.

And the end of the day the method you choose to pick lottery numbers is the one you feel confident with and you should stick to it. The main thing is someone usually does win the lottery and you won’t if you don’t play. Good luck!

Author Bio: Viagra Jelly Want to Pick Lottery Numbers that win every single time? Get the winning inside scoop now on

Category: Inspirational/Motivational
Keywords: Pick Lottery Numbers

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