The Cold, Hard Facts About OUIs

Many people believe that they know everything there is to know about operating under the influence. This mistaken belief could be very costly if they are ever arrested for OUI, since the situation can be very complex, with small windows of opportunity for many different issues, each of which can affect your life in a major way. Instead of waiting to see how much you know when it counts, here are some of the cold, hard facts about DUI/OUI in the United States:

1. DUIs/OUIs are back on the rise, after a short decrease in alcohol-related accidents and fatalities. Although the numbers dropped significantly for a few years, due to the implementation of stricter laws and comprehensive campaigns against drunk driving in many states, the public is becoming immune to the advertisements and warnings and beginning to get careless again. This often leads to driving/operating under Tadacip the influence, and that is a major crime in most of the United States.

2. You do not have to be an alcoholic, or even alcohol-dependent, in order to get a DUI/OUI. As a matter Levitra of fact, you could be arrest the first time you ever drink and drive. For some, it is the first time they get drunk at all. It all depends on the circumstances, and the outcome can be drastically different for one person than for another. It is simply not worth the risk.

3. The vast majority of alcohol-related incidents happen during weekends or holidays, explaining the necessity of roadblocks and sobriety checkpoints. These are not only an issue on major roads, but can also be important for those country roads where some people think that they are safe from inspection. Accidents can happen anywhere, and law enforcement officials are well aware of problem areas during the weekends and holidays.

These statistics, and many more, are the reason that it is so important to have someone on your side if you are arrested for DUI/OUI in the United States. It is critical to do everything possible to protect your rights, especially if you hope to achieve a more favorable outcome in your case. Your future, and your family’s future, may depend on the decisions that you make in the viagra dosing first few hours after the arrest.

This information is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.

Author Bio: William Bly of Nielsen and Bly is an OUI attorney near Portland and offers additional info about OUI issues, such as restricted licenses, on the firm’s website.

Category: Legal/National, State, Local
Keywords: OUI, DUI, drunk driving, attorney, Portland, Maine, alcohol, drivers license

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