Cloud Computing: What’s The Buzz About?

Cloud computing sounds like another of those buzz words. The reason is not many people truly understand the phrase when they first hear it mentioned in the boardroom. It’s actually a fairly simple concept which describes using hosted services over the internet rather than providing that service privately within the company.

This is something we are going to hear more about as the world evolves more onto the internet. Kamagra Soft It’s already fairly evident with the use of online services such as Amazon as a selling and shipping tool and online sales and marketing options which do not require the company in question to employ any additional staff or spend large amount upfront on overheads. This is an important attraction for those getting involved in cloud computing, companies are constantly seeking ways to save money and maximize profit margins. Outsourcing services to the internet means companies can reallocate funds to research and development and worry less about storage and expensive equipment that is already available elsewhere at a pay-by-the-hour, day or subscription rate.

This type of business model has existed for a long time. Web-based email is a good example of how a large portion of the public have embraced it without even realizing. For most, email accounts are only a small storage limit, but the birth of online storage resources in recent years gives consumers many gigabytes of space which they no longer need to tie up on their own computer. Laptops and desktops are decreasing in size, but there are no signs that an increase No prescription cialis in popularity of cloud computing will physically impact personal computer designs.

The impact of this is uncertain. While it would make sense for businesses and individuals to move more to cloud computing and away from self-contained storage and work solutions, there is still an issue of trust across the board. Many of the items using this storage are irreplaceable photos, music and work documents which have been gathered together over many years. Despite proving that they are capable to retain this information without losing it or compromising the security, many still need more proof that their documents are entirely safe being placed in the hands of an online storage company.

Computer technology is always moving at a fast rate and evolving month to month, and it is hard to predict the direction it will travel in next. Cloud computing certainly seems to solve a large amount of office-based difficulties, but while it is still in the early stages of implementation it is hard to see what will come out of it. Many believe this may cause a hike in online competition, with more demand being shifted from the office place to outsourced resources. The likely result of this is more businesses beginning life online, and more businesses developing to cater for their online needs, much like a second wind to the e-business boom of the late nineties.

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Category: Internet/Web Hosting
Keywords: cloud computing, email hosting, web hosting, hsoted services

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