Difference between HIV and Aids
It is a well-known fact that Aids/ HIV is one of the leading causes of death in people between the age groups of 25 to 45, all across the world. However, not a lot of people have adequate AIDS and HIV information. In fact, many of us are not even aware of the difference between HIV and AIDS. To put it in simple words, HIV is the virus that leads to AIDS. HIV, which is the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus, belongs to a sub-set of viruses that are known as the slow virus or the retrovirus. The Virus enters the body through blood to blood contact or the mucus membranes.
Thereafter, the virus gradually attacks the immune system and kills all the cells of the immune system that are healthy. Because of the constant and ongoing damage, the body becomes incapable of fighting off the infections that a normal person’s body would be able to fight off. The infections that the body can’t fight off are known as Opportunistic Infections (OI), because they take advantage of the body’s inability to fend off various diseases. This destruction of the immune function results in AIDS, i.e., Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome, which is the final stage of HIV.
Therefore to reiterate the difference between HIV and AIDS, a person who has been infected with the virus is said to have HIV (or being HIV positive), but when the number of cells in an infected person’s cialis soft tabs vs cialis immune system, falls below a particular level or if that person develops even one of a specific group of OIs, that person is considered to have developed AIDS.
Treatment for HIV AIDS
Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition as yet. However, unlike twenty years ago, where people infected with HIV AIDS did not live for more than a few years, today, there are about 31 antiretroviral drugs that can be used to suppress the virus to undetectable levels. This improves the overall quality of life and health for people living with HIV AIDS. However, such people are still carriers of Kamagra Soft the virus and can transmit it to others, if anyone comes into direct contact with their blood, semen, breast milk or any other body fluids.
In order to determine if AIDS is an epidemic or a pandemic disease, it is important to first understand the difference Levitra between epidemic and pandemic disease. AIDS is now a pandemic disease, as millions of people, including children, across the world have been affected by it and have lost their lives to it.
Author Bio: Kevin Pederson, authors web content for http://www.diethealthclub.com a complete online resource featuring diet, health and fitness. This article is focused on helping you plan for new year resolutions for healthy diet plans
Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: AIDS and HIV information, treatment for HIV AIDS, difference between epidemic and pandemic, living HIV AIDS