Finding the Best Exercising For Home

Have you ever wanted to work out, but didn’t want to go in public to do it? Maybe you have no makeup on, or the cost of a gym is too high.

Tired of running into that ex-boyfriend on the gym treadmill scene? Gym contracts can be impossible to get out of, and are full of hidden fees.

Well, fear not, we have a solution for you. Workout at home!

There are so many options that can provide a fun, intense, cost-efficient workout from the comfort of your own home gym, or even living room.

There is always the opportunity to purchase your own exercise equipment at a relatively affordable cost. However, if you have neither the money nor the space for this option, here is a list of ideas that may help.

If you have a staircase at home, put it to good use! It can function in the same way a stair stepper at your local gym does.

Start by walking in place to warm up your muscles-once they are warm, try stepping up and down on the first step only. Repeat this about ten times. Now try going up the first two steps, and back down again. Repeat this fifteen times.

Increase your numbers of steps and repetitions, and you have a great stair workout for those trouble areas in your thighs and buttocks. Another great home option is jump roping. If you want an intense cardio workout, grab a jump rope and count it out like you are in first grade!

If jump roping is a thing of the past for you, try one of the popular home exercise options. Grab a yoga mat and DVD and get to work.

You can find an ample supply of various yoga DVDs at your local media stores. Yoga is a fantastic way to build core strength, improve your balance, and help tone your body.

If yoga is a little too slow-paced for your liking, try dancing. There is a great selection of dance workout videos out there that combine popular music and dance moves, with cardio and fat burning routines.

Is it upper body strength you are looking for? Get a punching bag!

Punching bags can be a great way to relieve tension, build upper body strength, and increase coordination. Kickboxing is a very fun way to utilize the old punching bag that may be sitting in your garage.

If you are like many others out there who work all day, you may want to come home and relax to your favorite TV show or movie at the end of the day. Don’t worry-you can still fit a workout in!

Commercial breaks are a great opportunity to work hard for short intervals. When that break starts, do a series of abdominal crunches, leg lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, or weight lifts.

Have lots of home work to do? Try marching in place while you do dishes!

You can even simply raise your body up on tip toe, and lower back down. This will be a great strengthener for your calf muscles.

You can even find little ways to increase your body tone while doing laundry. Try lifting a modest basket of clothing above your head and lowering it up and down.

If you can afford to invest in a small set of hand weights, they can be used to enhance a variety of simple home exercises. Use them when doing lunges, sit-ups, etc.

This is another simple way to workout while watching TV or listening to your favorite music at the end of the day. For women, decrease your weight, and increase your repetitions for toned, lean arms.

Another great home workout tool is a simple, inflatable exercise ball. They are quite inexpensive, and can be used for a broad variety of strength training techniques.

Made of flexible rubber, use it to stretch your body in new ways. You can work on increasing the flexibility in your legs, back, shoulders, and just about anything you can think of.

Lay your back flat on the ball, and use free hand weights to push upwards from the sides of your body, like you would Cialis a bench press. One advantage of using the ball is it allows your arms to extend further down than the floor would.

This engages your triceps as well as your biceps, creating an even, toned workout. Experiment with other weight techniques in combination with the exercise ball.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to achieve a thorough and interesting workout without signing up with a gym, or even leaving the comfort of your own couch. Go home and have some fun!

Author Bio: Jack R. Landry has worked in the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using home exercise equipment Brand Levitra to stay healthy and fit.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: home exercise equipment

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