How Travel Makes or Breaks Your Relationship
Dating is fun but how much of an insight do you have into your other? You go to work and they go to work. Then at night you go out for dinner, for coffee or to a party for a couple of hours. You wish each other goodnight and do it all again the next day. It’s nice to have someone to hang with but how well do you get to know them this way?
Travelling is a completely different situation. You are with each other all day every day. They aren’t worried about putting on a show and sugar-coating everything. You get to see them how they really are and it can be a real eye-opener. You can break up before you get back or you can be even more committed to each other as a result of it.
It’s not just that you get to see how they are without them trying to show how perfect and flawless hey are. There is a lot more to it than that. You get to see how they interact, how they communicate and how they treat and talk to people. If you find out you have completely different tastes and views on things then effects viagra this could be a significant issue you hadn’t previously thought Kamagra of.
You may like to play bingo while they don’t care much for the game. Even if this is the case, that is fair enough, not everyone has to like the same thing but what is their reaction? Do they put you down for liking bingo or will they be supportive of it because it is something you like. It doesn’t have to be bingo it could be anything.
Because you are spending so much time together things come up in conversation that wouldn’t have prescription cialis generic previously. You fight and you argue and you bicker. That is ok and is a part of every healthy relationship it is how you deal with it that matters. Again if they are abusive and put you down then that is something you might be concerned about. It could be a real insight of how things to come could be.
It might be that you like Twilight, had a pet dog or want to have three kids. How do they react to this? In a serious relationship there really isn’t anywhere to hide. If your partner isn’t someone who has any same interests or hobbies to you may be spending a lot of time by yourselves doing your own thing. You could be in one room of the house doing a jigsaw puzzle while they are in the other playing a card game.
While a relationship can be like this for some of the time, if it is how things are for a fair amount of time you should have a good think about it. Yes they may be a great person in other ways but a relationship is because you wanted to spend time with them and if you aren’t doing that then what is the point?
Author Bio: Michelle Stevens is a well known journalist that writes for many newspapers and online news sites. She has recently written a number of articles on the proliferation of online bingo sites that has occurred in the last couple of years.
Category: Relationships
Keywords: Travel, Relationship, Test Relationship