Kinds of Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoids are very normal with men and women of middle as well as elderly age. A person suffering from hemorrhoid gets swollen veins in and around anus and the areas of rectum. Because of hemorrhoids, one gets itching sensations in that portion. Hemorrhoids at times cause bleeding also. Hemorrhoids demand early attention; else it can lead to colon cancer or some other serious problem. Thus, hemorrhoid treatment should be done at an early stage.

Two types of hemorrhoids exist: external hemorrhoids which are located outside the anal canal and internal hemorrhoids which occur inside the rectum. It caused from prolonged constipation, diarrhea, excess straining, sitting for long periods of time, and in pregnancy due to pressure of the growing of fetus on veins or severe pressure during delivery of child

There are four degrees for hemorrhoids:

1) First degree where hemorrhoids do not prolapse.

2) Second degree where hemorrhoids prolapse with defecation and are reduced spontaneously.

3) Third degree where hemorrhoids prolapse with defection and reduced manually.

4) Forth degree where hemorrhoids can’t be reduced manually.

Hemorrhoids can be treated in several ways these days. Some people prefer usual clinical method to Cialis alternative medication. Impacts of ayurveda and herbal medications can also be observed in the recent times. Herbal treatment is not only successful but also free of any side effects. A person can go with any of the methods available to heal hemorrhoids.

Applying comfrey mixed with vegetable oil is one of the simplest alternative treatments. The moist comfrey is first powdered then made into a paste with the vegetable oil. Apply this paste to the affected portion for the best results. Capsulated psyllium is another faster treatment with great results.

Hemorrhoid treatment with capsulated psyllium is one of the most reliable and most painless treatments. It aids in bowel movement assisting to smoothen out the hemorrhoids. This treatment can also be done once mixed with water. Go for hazel cure if you are ready for some more pricey herbal treatment.

One Brand Levitra can get the hazel treatment done at home also. Soak the cotton in witch hazel and moisturize the affected area. The use of hazel nut is mostly done for commercial treatments, as it is considered to be the most effective in curing hemorrhoids. The cooling effect of using hazel nut provides great relief to the patient within moments.
Aloe is another very common form of treating the hemorrhoids. It can be applied or even consumed. If one prefers the internal use then get a powdered aloe vera from any chemists shop but for external use one can simple use the fresh leaves too. Simply apply on the swollen veins and feel the difference.

Many patients prefer antibiotics way of treatment as they believe that they get instant relief. However, antibiotics come with a baggage of side effects and sometimes with lots of negativity. It may even worsen the hemorrhoids even may be causing surgery.

Hemorrhoid treatment with antibiotics along with pregnancy is just not advised. One should give it a serious thought. Keep away antibiotics as treatment when you are expecting your baby. You may unintentionally pass certain side effects to the unborn baby. So, study in detail about each of the medications before deciding what exactly you are looking for.

Author Bio: John Limbocker is an Internet marketer for For more details and information about Hemorrhoid Treatments, simply go to

Category: Health/Meditation
Keywords: Hemorrhoid Treatment

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