Lowering Your Blood Pressure at Work with a Treadmill Desk

Have you ever wished you could get in a workout to lower your blood pressure every day, but your Silagra nine to five job is just keeping you too busy? Well, while you may have not thought it possible, believe it or not you can walk away pounds without leaving your work desk.

Dr. James Levine of the prestigious Mayo Clinic invested the treadmill desk-a professional desk which is built around your treadmill, and allows you to walk while you work. While you probably cannot do a rigorous run while returning emails, you can easily walk throughout the day and shed pounds.

Dr. Levine’s research showed that the average user burned about one hundred extra calories per hour while walking slowly. His test patients reported losses of at least fifty to seventy pounds a year just from a simple, paced walk while working.

Desks can hold your computer screen, key board, books, papers, a filing station, and more. They are quite spacious, and wrap their way around the treadmill with ease. They are absolutely revolutionary.

The average business person, walking at a slow pace, can walk about five miles a work day in their office. Some users challenged themselves to “walk across the country” in one year, and were able to achieve this goal through the use of the desk.

While it does not provide a cardio workout, as users only walk to a speed of about a 1.0 to a 2.0, just the movement will burn up to one hundred and fifty calories an hour. On top of this, scientific research has found that it heightens creativity, fights off depression, increases productivity, improves mental alertness, lowers blood pressure, and improves one’s mood.

Surprisingly, these well built desks range in price from only about thirty to fifty dollars. This is pretty impressive when other office desks can cost hundreds of dollars.

Those who use an exercise desk were found to have a 33%-70% risk reduction in rate of major cancers, 90% reduction in number of initial heart attacks, 50% reduction in risk of developing type 2 Diabetes, and 70% reduction in risk of stroke. These are incredible benefits, for such a simple thing.

Harvard Medical School conducted studies which showed that depression symptoms were reduced by 30% to 47%. This is because walking reduces stress hormones like Cortisol, and promotes the production of mood lifting compounds such as Serotonin.

As you can imagine, with your risk of heart attack and your stress hormones decreasing, this can have great benefits for blood pressure. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, in addition to medication, this could be your solution.

The University of Chicago conducted similar research which found that daily walking increased the production of small blood vessels in the brain as much as 43% in a twelve month period. This increase in blood flow creates a healthier, more productive Cialis Jelly brain.

They found that with this increase in brain health, attention span and memory were boosted by as much as 15% in a six month period. With an increase in memory, you will be able to perform better at work, and accomplish more throughout the day.

These desks have been featured on many different news programs, talk shows, magazines, and newspapers, including NBC, ABC, Fox News, CBS, Fitness HR Magazine, NPR, and more. They are quickly becoming the next craze in health and weight loss, because of their efficiency and success rates.

TrekDesk is a reliable brand, which markets their product on the internet for purchase. You can watch video clips online about exactly how this product works, and how to install it.

TreadDesk is another brand which sells their models online. They sell a great desk, at an affordable price.

When it comes to taking care of yourself, nothing is as important as taking care of your heart. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim of high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack, when you could change your entire future without even having to alter your time schedule.

These simple inventions are changing the lives of people all over the country, and even the world. Look them up online, and revolutionize your fitness and life!

Author Bio: Jack R. Landry has worked as a nurse practitioner for the last 16 years. He has worked in local clinics and the ER and recommends looking into high blood pressure remedies to avoid a fatal heart attack.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: high blood pressure remedies

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