MOT Questions

It is a legal requirement in the UK that all vehicles more than three years old have to undergo an MOT or Ministry of Transport test to see that the car is fit to be on the road and is not harmful to the environment. Your car has to pass certain tests in order to be deemed roadworthy and to be awarded an MOT certificate. You will be breaking the law if your drive an older vehicle that does not have a valid and current MOT certificate.

How long does an MOT take?

Although moss MOT tests don’t take long, about three quarters of an hour, this will vary if there is a problem. Some garages will collect and return your car from its MOT test.

If my car fails how long must I wait before the next test?

There is no limit on how long you should wait if your vehicle as failed its MOT tests. If the car needs some work, you can put it through once that is done, but you cannot drive the car without a valid MOT certificate.

Can I take my car for an MOT before the date it is due?

You can certainly take your car in for its next MOT test before the present certificate runs out. However, you will lose out on this because the certificate cannot be post dated, it will date from when you have it done and the next one will be due twelve months after that.

When will my car have to have its first MOT?

If you have bought a new car then it will need to have an MOT test once it is three years old. If you have bought a used car then you need to check the date that the last MOT certificate was issued ad you will need to get the car tested again a year from that date.

What are the main failure items for MOT tests?

There is no general rule on what may or may not be the thing that determines whether a vehicle passes or fails its MOT. However, there are a number of things that you can check for yourself before putting it in, as any one of these things that is not working as it should will determine whether or not your car fails its MOT.

You should check that your tyres have plenty of pressure in them and that at least three quarters of the tyre has a tread of at least 1.6mm thick. Other things that can be dealt with before the test are your lights and light bulbs, your hazard switch and indicators and whether Tadacip the horn works properly.

You will need to make sure that your licence plates are not damaged and that the registration is clear enough to be read from the required distance. You should make sure that the mirrors are ok and that the seatbelts are working and the seats safely positioned. If you have checked everything you can, including the oil and water, then you will just have to hope the car is ok to pass the test in other areas.

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Category: Cars and Trucks
Keywords: mot questions, mot, ministry of transport

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