Open Vs. Closed Nose Jobs: Which Is The Right Choice?

This process, more commonly known as “nose jobs,” is a plastic surgery procedure to alter the shape of one’s nose. People opt for this for a number of reasons, whether it’s to change their appearance, fix their bones and tissue after an injury or correct breathing problems. There are two kinds – open and closed.

The Open Procedure

The traditional rhinoplasty is the open version. The doctor makes a cut along the bridge that separates the two nostrils, and makes the incisions upwards into a V pattern. This makes it easy to lift the skin of the nose and get to work underneath. Other cuts are made, but the incisions are all inside the nasal passage where they won’t be visible after the rhinoplasty. This is also called an “external” rhinoplasty.

The Closed Procedure

Closed nose jobs are known as “endonasal” rhinoplasty. The basic idea is the same, with the only difference being that all incisions are made inside the nose. This means less cutting, less scarring, and usually less pain, swelling and numbness after the operation. The drawback to this method is that not every patient is a candidate. Depending on the nature of the work you need done, an external one may be your only option.

Which Is Better?

There is endless debate on which version is better. Most surgeons are trained in one method or the other, with few being able to do both. There are two major benefits Cialis Jelly to the closed method. First, it’s better at hiding the scars, since all the cuts are made internally. Second, it cuts down on your recovery time. Because the incisions are made inside, they heal more quickly and with less pain or numbness.

On the other hand, scars from open processes are barely visible. Some people think that, with a closed one, no one will be able to tell they’ve had work done. The truth is that plastic surgery is always noticeable to family, friends and co-workers. There’s no getting around Silagra it. And while the recovery period may be easier, recovery from this process is minimal compared to other types of surgery. If you follow doctor’s orders, the pain and swelling is minimal anyway.

The only way to know for sure is to talk to your surgeon during your consultation. They’ll be able to show you pictures of how the scars will look, and this will help you decide which option is best for you. Using either method, a skilled plastic surgeon can get you into the shape you want.

Author Bio: With nose jobs you can now change the contour of your nose to the shape you always wanted and feel complete and confident about yourself. To know more, visit

Category: Beauty
Keywords: nose jobs

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