Pros and Cons of Internet Marketing

In case you hadn’t noticed, a new breed of entrepreneurs has sprung up in the last decade or so: Internet Marketers.

Information marketing has been around a long time. Any book store, big or small, is certainly engaged in information marketing. That’s what schools do, too. In fact, the mail-order and other distance learning educational models are the ancestors of the new breed of Internet Marketers.

Who are Internet Marketers Targeting?

In a nutshell, Internet Marketers are problem-solvers who look for groups of people who are avidly, perhaps even desperately, seeking solutions to their problems. And if they find a solution which they believe can help with their problem, they are willing to fork over some of their hard-earned money.

Let me give you a few examples to help clarify what I’m talking about. One of these groups are people who are overweight, and have perhaps tried diets and exercise programs to no avail. They are still looking for a solution, and are probably willing to purchase yet another idea that will help them solve their problem.

Another group are those whose relationship is under stress, and who either do not want to lose their significant other, or who want to win him or
her back. They may go to Google and enter “how can I get my girlfriend back”, and if they find what seems to be an honest approach to solving their problem, they will probably be willing to pay for it.

A third “tribe” are those who need to make more money. They’ve been laid off, or are afraid of being laid off, or simply need another source of income to help make ends meet. Many in this situation are willing to spend money to make money.

What Are They Selling?

Internet Marketers are those who have written a book – from a few pages to a few hundred pages – which can be downloaded immediately, and which has been written to provide information to help solve a problem. Or they may have created a piece of software, or a step-by-step process, or an online course, or a series of webinars, or a coaching program or … well, you get the idea.

Over the last decade or so, Internet Marketing has emerged as a new potentially very lucrative avenue for entrepreneurs who wish tp create a successful business. There are great benefits to establishing an Internet Marketing business, but there are also some formidable negatives. Below I’ll identify some of the pros and cons, so that anyone interested in pursuing this line of work is able to approach it with eyes wide open.

First, the Good News

Every year, Levitra Professional more and more people are becoming more and more comfortable buying products and services online. In the early years of e-commerce, many people were skeptical about giving their credit card information to websites. Not only that, but in those days relatively few Americans were comfortable using the Internet – and the rest of the world lagged even further behind.

In addition to a much larger marketplace, and more savvy online shoppers, the critical mass has been reached which means shopping online is now totally mainstream. There now exists a profusion of electronic products available to Internet Marketers through affiliate marketplaces such as Clickbank and PayDotCom. And anyone interested in becoming an Internet Marketer, either part or full time, can find a sea of information – ebooks, video courses, training programs, coaches, etc. – at every twist and turn that promise results reminiscent of snake oil salesmen of the 1800s.

What’s the Down Side?

There certainly are down sides. Newbies to Internet Marketing have a hard time figuring out who to trust, or even the right questions to ask. There are so many products, so many marketing methods, so many experts and gurus of every sort, so many contradictory messages. Many end up spending a bundle, getting information overload, and getting so frustrated they give up before making a penny. I think that happened to lots of would-be gold miners during the gold rushes of Colorado, California and the Yukon.

There are liars and cheaters galore, and many who will do and say anything to make a buck. The claims of overnight success abound, and like anything sounding too good to be true, should not be trusted.

So What’s a Guy, or Gal, To Do?

First, you must understand that conducting business online is still conducting business. The same principles of success apply. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as overnight success. There is no get-rich-quick plan.

Plan your online business as you would plan a brick-and-mortar business. Conduct research. Find people who will level with you, and who have experience and knowledge that resonates with your own beliefs and values. Decide you will always tell the truth, and that you will always provide good value and excellent quality.

Be willing to put in the hours it takes to learn new skills. Find the resolve within your soul to do what it takes to become successful, like any
good entrepreneur must. Then plan your work and work your plan, day by day and week by week. For those willing to build a business, and pay the dues as they learn the ropes, there is a very real chance of financial success as an Internet Marketer!

Author Bio: Would you like to learn more about Internet Marketing? If so, download my brand new free eBook, Internet Marketing Sprint!, at
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Category: Internet Marketing
Keywords: internet marketing,internet marketer,attracting customers,niche marketing,affiliate marketing,

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