The Five Best Ways to Peacock For Aspiring Pick Up Artists

Successful peacocking encourages women to approach you instead of the other way around. If you’ve done peacocking correctly you’ll just have to walk through a club and camp out while women take turns getting to know you. Because you’ve separated yourself from everyone else with edgy clothing and accessories, women will want to figure you out. Is he a rockstar? An actor? But, peacocking takes careful planning to be done properly.

Mystery has his own type of peacocking style. He can usually be spotted wearing a furry black top hat, large goggles, black nail polish, eyeliner, and a black leather trench coat. But not everyone can pull that look off. Levitra Professional The goal of peacocking is not to look ridiculous but to create an extension of your personality through carefully selected accessories and clothes that will entice women to approach you.

So how can you peacock without looking like an idiot? Here are the five best ways to peacock.

1. Body and hair.
If you have a great physique, show it off with fitted clothes. An athletic body type shows others that you take care of yourself. Hair is also a great way to attract attention. Mystery sports long black hair pulled into a pony tail. Many of Hollywood’s leading men go with longer shoulder length hair like Johnny Depp’s, but choose a hairstyle that goes well with the shape of your face. There are several online resources available that can help you choose the best hairstyle for your body type.

2. Social Circle
Imagine walking into a club with Robert Pattinson, you know, the guy with huge hair from the Twilight movies. What do you think would happen? Besides having dozens of women attack Robert Pattinson, you’d instantly increase your social status by being associated with the blood sucking Twilight star. Of course, there’s not enough Robert Pattinson to go around but you can raise your social status by being seen with the right people. It could be the local football star at your school, the high-powered executive from your company, or anyone who is well known in your area.

3. Clothes
If you remember anything from this article, let it be this. Avoid generic colors like black and grey. Remember, the point of peacocking is to look different from everyone around you. You can be a snappy dresser by going with the common colors but you won’t get noticed. Fashion styles are a dime a dozen. There’s rockstar types, hip hop, emo, cowboy, professional, indie and countless others. To peacock your clothes, take your outfit one step above normal. If you’re going cowboy, you better have the sickest cowboy boots and hat. If you’re into hip hop, make sure you have the matching bling bling. And whatever you do, don’t try to be something you’re not.

4. Accessories
Mystery’s signature accessories are his black furry top hat and goggles but you definitely don’t need to take it that far. Other pickup artists recommend anything out of the ordinary like neon cowboy hats, boas, or crazy wigs. Of course, experienced pickup artists have the skills and knowledge to handle the attention. Effective peacocking will get you attention from both women and men. Men will attempt to use you’re peacocking style to socially embarrass you. They’ll want to put you in your place to regain the attention you’ve stolen from them. So unless you’re ready for those types of interactions, keep the flamboyant accessories at a minimum. Standing out from a crowd can be easily accomplished with a stylish hat, boots, sunglasses, belt buckle or if you dare, leather pants. The best and easiest way to peacocks is through jewelry.

5. Jewelry
Jewelry can transform any average outfit into a peacocking masterpiece. Plus, you don’t have to look like Mr. T to cialis dosage daily do it right. My favorite pieces of jewelry for peacocking are simple all black ceramic or tungsten carbide rings. They’re subtle with a strong and bold appearance. For your wrists, try a designer watch and/or a bracelet. For a casual professional look, go with gold, silver or something similar. For an edgy fashion style, go with anything leather on your wrists. If you are planning on peacocking jewelry, make sure you’re not clashing styles or colors. There’s nothing worse than pairing a gold ring with a silver bracelet or necklace. Stay with one style or color throughout your outfit while keeping it in your personal comfort zone.

However you choose to peacock, remember to have fun with it. Make peacocking an extension of your personality or you’ll take the chance of being humiliated by women and their little tests. Women can naturally spot incongruences in how men dress and act. If a woman identifies you as a poser, she’ll lose all attraction for you and move on to the next one.
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Author Bio: Doug Davis writes for King Ice. To find our more about hip hop accessories including hats, watches, sunglasses and more go to

Category: Beauty/Fashion
Keywords: pick up artist, PUA, seduction, jewelry, peacocking, men’s, accessories, watches, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, chains, hip hop, bling, urban,

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