The Shared New World – Cloud Computing

The internet has changed a lot of things. The world has become smaller, easier, faster and on the whole better. Cloud computing is just one of those ways by which the unique power of the internet has been harnessed to provide extra computing power to whoever needs it.

Even though there are various definitions of what cloud computing really is, and they all vary wildly in scope, at the basic level cloud computing is essentially a way to draw on resources available on the internet to augment the capabilities of the local computer system. So it is a way for individuals and organizations to get the resources they need on-the-fly, without setting up new infrastructure. This has been made possible thanks to the advent of high-speed internet and large-scale broadband penetration. Although the technology is new, there are a variety of services available via cloud computing already. Let’s take a look:

*Software as a Service (SaaS): – This type of cloud computing delivers an application to the customer through his web browser. A large number of people can be using the application at the same time. These range from HR management tools to enterprise resource management software and even office suites. For the client, this eliminates the need to buy separate servers to house new software and purchase licenses. For the server this provides economies of scale and a centralized system that makes maintenance and updates easier.

*Platform as a Service (PaaS): – Here the service provider runs servers which act as platforms for clients to build and run applications. Thus the client can focus on the application without having to worry about things like server space, computing power, and load balancing. Of course, the problem with leasing a development environment instead of having one custom-made is that the client is restricted by the server constraints. However, for many developers the monetary benefits and the freedom from various other headaches are well worth the trade-off.

*Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): – To put it simply, this is buying computing resources online. Instead of purchasing servers, network hardware and storage space, the client purchases those resources from a provider that he can access through the internet. The provider is responsible for the maintenance, security and housing of the hardware. Payment generally depends on the level of use, much like any other utility like electricity or water. Not only does this make things easier for the client, but he is also able to increase and decrease the amount of resources at his disposal based on his requirements, and that too, with minimum time wasted.

Cloud computing may seem to be something very complicated, but that is exactly what this technology seeks to avoid – complications. A customer need not worry about the nitty-gritties, all he needs to know is what he requires and who to get it from. Cloud computing provides flexibility and simplicity by taking advantage of high-speed internet connections to provide services anywhere and everywhere in the world. Localized crashes do not affect the data in cloud computing as it is generally stored in remote servers. In a world where everything, from holiday photos and videos to a recipe for meatloaf can be shared and enjoyed by thousands, cloud computing is only the next logical step. It has the promise of a world where businesses Tadalis SX will be able to focus on their core competency and find whatever else they need online. A world where the internet is one big warehouse, with all the resources one needs available at the click of a mouse. Simply put a shared world on a digital cloud with solutions for everybody.

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Category: Internet/Web Hosting
Keywords: cloud computing,software as a service, SaaS,platform as a service, PaaS,Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS,

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