6 Common Misconceptions About Working Out

Should you be considering working out and haven’t done so properly before, you’ll no doubt have several preconceptions.

As with a lot of preconceptions, some will no doubt be misconceptions and the following six points are some of the most common Kamagra jelly misconceptions about working out.

1. Generally speaking, your body is the same as theirs – no two bodies are the same. It’s as simple as that. Whilst you might be the same height, weight and sex, it means nothing when you’re working out.

Listen to what your body tells you and don’t try and compete with others when you’re only working out.

2. You’ll see results overnight – although you might feel better in yourself the day after visiting a gym, you won’t see any actual results for at least two weeks.

Don’t worry about this – it’s completely natural. Just continue to work out and by the end of your first month you’ll feel fitter and healthier and also able to run further or lift more weights.

3. The more you lift and the more often you do it, the better – for anyone who isn’t looking to develop massively huge muscles, it’s important to understand that for the most part, it’s the movement that has more of a benefit, rather than the weight you lift.

There’s no doubt that lifting weights regularly will speed up the process of, for example, developing up your biceps, but it’s imperative you only lift what you can comfortably manage and you should always give your muscles a rest.

Daily weight lifting is not advised and you must always aim to give your muscles a 24 hour breather after an intense workout.

4. Protein shakes = better physique – this is simply not true in any way, shape or form. Protein shakes are supplements to your diet and therefore they should be treated and thought of in that way.

Yes, they will aid with the development of your physique and your fitness levels in general, but they’ll have no effect if you’re not willing to change your diet and continue to eat foods that are high in fats and salts.

5. Intense, daily workouts are the way forward – if you’re looking to lose weight and increase your muscle tone, exercising regularly is recommended.

As mentioned above, you need to give your body time to recuperate and therefore unless you’re training for a particular event, limit your workout time to four or five days a week.

In terms of intensity, only push yourself to your own limits. Anything in excess of this and you risk the chance of overexerting yourself, meaning you won’t be able to workout at all.

6. You only need to stretch after your workout – as with point three; this should be drilled into everyone as soon as they join any type of health club, whether it’s large Birmingham gyms or small aerobic classes at a local community centre.

Stretching and light exercises are what gets your muscles warmed up at the start of a routine and what cools them down afterwards. If you don’t do them to start with, you risk injuring yourself during your workout and if you don’t do them after, you’ll struggle to get up in the morning.

Author Bio: For more information about gyms in Birmingham, visit the Fitness First website.

Category: Fitness
Keywords: gym, health clubs, fitness

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