A Sugary Diet Has Serious Implications

Perhaps one of the testimonials to the sad state of our dental health is that very familiar TV commercial where a child Kamagra Gold rushes to his or her father, interrupting whatever professional occupation he is engaged in, to shout, daddy, daddy, guess what, I only prescription cialis online had one cavity.

Even if the child has scheduled trips to the dentist, he would end up with a bunch of cavities when he reaches 21.

Also known as dental caries, cavities may be found in almost anyone’s mouth. Among the causes for this are low fluoride content in the water and poor dental hygiene.

It’s possible for members of a family to have bad teeth without a logical reason for why it happens. On the other hand, just because your grandfather had good teeth is no reason to neglect all the rules of good dental health.

He may have resided in a place where they had fluoridated water.

Consumption of sweets may not have been an issue. He most probably achieved clean teeth using tooth powder and brine.

You can still do other things even if you can’t control the outcome of your heredity. You can make a petition for the local government to fluoridate the water supply.

Research shows that the presence of cavities is cut by half when children drink fluoridated water. Osteoporosis can even be prevented because of fluoridation.

Food with sugar should be taken in small amounts only. Pies, caramels, and other food with sticky sugar should be avoided.

Plaque on the surface of teeth and in the crevices between teeth is the starting phase for dental cavities.

Plaque actually shelters a kind of bacteria responsible for producing teeth corroding acid. Dextran, formed from table sugar, is what the bacteria love to feed on.

It is better to eat sugar during a meal than between meals, studies show. In recent years, British mothers have taken to using infant pacifiers which give the baby a small quantity of sweet syrup as he sucks.

If you still aren’t convinced, you should know about a medical curiosity that makes the same point.

Families sometimes acquire a disease known as hereditary fructose intolerance. Fructose and sucrose consumption make these people violently sick.

Those who are victims of this stay away from sucrose. They may eat a lot of carbohydrate rich foods, but they don’t have many cavities.

Eating sugar is clearly the reason for the presence of cavities. Let it be remembered that even your teeth and gums are affected by your nutritional well being.

Minerals such as phosphorus and calcium and vitamins like vitamin D will give you better dental health. Hard foods provide gum stimulation and clean teeth.

It is then a necessity that tooth brushing be done regularly, as well as frequent trips to the dentist for any necessary dental repair. Pain, large expenses, and missing teeth could be what you are in for in the future.

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Category: Health
Keywords: dentistry, dentist, teeth, dental implants, cosmetic, gum disease, teeth whitening, laser doctors, sedation dentistry, orthodontics, braces

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