All About Alli Weight Loss

Alli is an FDA-approved over-the-counter (OTC) weight loss pill that, when combined with a low-calorie diet and exercise regime can help dieters lose weight up to 50% faster than without the pill.

In this era of obesity, high blood pressure, epidemic diabetes and heart disease, tackling poor eating habits now can vastly improve and even extend your life. As a population, we are not getting enough exercise, and are consuming far too much processed carbohydrates, saturated fats and refined sugars. The alli diet can help you get through the difficult period at the start of a diet when you are retraining yourself to eat better. Alli weight loss occurs because alli – the OTC version of the drug Orlistat, marketed by GlaxoSmithKline – prevents the body from absorbing 25% of the fat that is ingested. This excess fat is pushed out of the body in the form of waste, instead of being stored up in problem areas like tummy, hips, thighs or bum.

If you are following the low-fat alli weight loss plan, the pills – taken three times daily with each meal – speed up the rate at which you lose weight, bringing you that much closer to your ultimate goal. The purchase of the alli diet at your local pharmacy or supermarket also includes a free membership to the myalliplan website, where you will find calorie counters, recipes, tips, motivation and more.

The 26-week myalliplan helps you learn the habits you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If emotional eating is holding you back, myalliplan will show you how to address the issues that trigger your eating. If you lack the skills to shop for or cook healthy meals, the alli diet will spell it all out for you, making it easier to create grocery lists and meals the whole family can enjoy. By increasing your daily activity in conjunction with the pills and diet, the weight will begin to melt away.

Increasing your activity level doesn’t have to mean hours of intense cardio and weights. The alli weight loss plan encourages you to take one step at a time, literally. Get walking. Walking is an excellent way to increase your heart rate without overexerting yourself. So get moving! Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the dog around the block instead of just to the corner. Make simple changes for big benefits. Every diet has its highs and lows, and when those low points hit, it’s all too easy to just give up. But the alli diet is different. The alli weight loss plan encourages you to set a series of small goals as milestones on the way to your ultimate goal weight. By achieving these smaller milestones, you stay motivated to continue to the next one.

It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, good or bad. Once healthy eating becomes a habit, you’ll feel better about the food choices you make. By feeling better about those choices, you’ll become stronger and more empowered to make further positive changes Brand Viagra in your life. Alli isn’t just a diet – it’s a lifestyle overhaul.

Author Bio: Rich is a webmaster for Alli Weight Loss & FDA Approved Alli Weight Loss visit:

Category: Health/Medicine
Keywords: weight loss,weight-loss,health,fitness,medicine

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