How to Fight a Traffic Ticket

If you have ever been pulled over for speeding in your car, or for a number of any other traffic violations, chances are you have received a ticket, many of which can be very expensive. Getting a ticket can be stressful, scary, and frustrating.

However, if you are clever and respectful enough, there are ways that you can talk your way out of receiving the ticket, or having to pay the fine. Here are some tips that could end up saving you time, humiliation, and money!

First, be polite and cooperative when you get pulled over. Being belligerent or indignant may make you feel better but it might cost you more.

By being polite and cooperative, the officer may just write your ticket for a less costly offense instead of what was actually committed and with luck, you might just get a warning! On the other hand, if you are nasty Cialis Jelly or curt, the officer may note this and the prosecutors will be less likely to cut you a deal if this went to court.

Always avoid admissions of guilt and never make excuses or create outlandish stories. While these will give the officers something to laugh about after the fact, they will not do you any good at the time!

When you are asked if you know why you were pulled over, just respond with a simple and polite, “No officer, I do not,”. Keep in mind that honesty is the best policy especially when you prefer to get off with merely a warning.

On the other hand, if you do get you the ticket, and decide to contest it, remember that any admissions you make now, can be used against you later. Think carefully about what you say before you say it.

Adopt the ‘low-profile’ technique. Ask the officer if you can handle the ticket by mail.

The officer will immediately see you as a low probability to go to court and may take fewer notes. When you do challenge the ticket, the officer’s sparse notes will make him want to skip the hearing.

Even if he does come to the hearing, his sparse notes and memory will help the judge decide in your favor. Questioning the officer on the other hand will cause him to write voluminous notes on the traffic stop.

Alternatively, question the officer more directly, as you are handed the ticket, about how the offense was detected and verified. In the case of a speeding ticket, find out where they were positioned when they clocked you and what type of speed measurement device, was used and if it was radar, laser or Accutrac.

Gather as many specifics as possible, including the serial number of the device. If, however the officer estimated your speed by following you, then find out what the location was when he began to follow you.

Make sure you write down the patrol car’s license plate number and his badge number. If you were cited for an offense other than speeding, make sure you understand exactly why you were pulled over, especially if you were cited for something that could not have been easily seen.

Do note that the officer does not have to actually give this information related to the device used at the time of stop. You can request this information by filing a motion of discovery, and then you will get that information.

Next, check your ticket by reviewing it immediately upon receipt. If there are inaccuracies that may hurt your case (i.e. if the officer notes on the ticket that you crossed two lanes of traffic when you only crossed one, or if he says traffic was heavy when in fact it was light), ask him immediately to correct them.

Be very polite when requesting changes to your ticket. However if you find that the officer is not accommodating, do not argue but record the actual circumstances in your mind, and after he leaves, jot it down.

Begin preparing your defense right away, once the police officer has given you the ticket and left. Read the fine print on the ticket after you get home, as there is useful information that may help you.

Decide whether or not to fight the ticket, and if you will need a lawyer or not. Request a trial, and get as much information as you can.

This will get you well on your way to fighting your ticket, and keeping your record clean! Follow these simple steps, and you may avoid having to fight your ticket at all-best yet, drive safely and carefully.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick is a public safety representative for 25 years and has authored hundreds of articles relating to public safety and traffic signs. He has worked in public safety for years promoting safe transportation practices.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Legal/National, State, Local
Keywords: traffic signs

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