Learning How to Apply Mascara Properly

Beauty is one of the most sought after things in American culture today. With extra leisure time and money to spend in many households across America, women and men are free to pursue beauty through a variety of means.

Some people turn to cosmetic surgery as a permanent means of rectifying their beauty. Thousands of Hollywood stars have reached fame through cosmetic surgery.

However, cosmetic surgery is expensive and can involve a lengthy recovery time. It is usually reserved for more severe cases among middle income households.

Most people use some kind of makeup to enhance their personal beauty. One element of makeup that many women use is mascara.

Mascara is one of the most misapplied pieces of makeup, but one of the most important parts of a touchup bag. This beauty product is primarily responsible for drawing attention to the eyes.

The eyes are known as the window to the soul. They tell a lot about a person

The wrinkles near the eyes will tell you of a sad or happy life and the light in the eyes will tell you how special a person is. The eyes are a critical part of a first impression.

Judgments are constantly being made about one another. These judgments affect the ability to get a job and make friends.

As the eyes are so critical to our social relationships, mascara must be correctly applied to draw attention in the correct way. To apply mascara correctly the lashes need to be curled first.

Few people are blessed with lashes that curl naturally, but if yours do, you can skip this step. Some people make the mistake of applying their mascara and then curling their lashes.

This should never be done. If the lashes are curled after the mascara is applied, the lashed may stick to the curler.

The curler may then pull them out which will leave you with thinner, lighter lashes than previously. In addition, it is painful to have your lashes yanked out.

On top of that, eye lashes hardly every regenerate. This will defeat the Cialis purpose of wearing mascara as mascara is intended to enhance your eye lashes to appear thicker and darker.

In addition, curling the lashes after the mascara is applied will cause the lashes to stick together instead of having a more natural appearance. Once the lashes are stuck together, it is impossible to separate them without washing of the mascara and starting over.

Choosing the correct color of mascara can also be a challenge. Many people end up with a color that is too dark for them which causes an unnatural look.

The shade that you choose for yourself should only be two or three shades darker than your natural eyebrow color. This will help your lashes look natural, but thicker and darker.

After your lashes are curled, it will be time to apply the correct shade of mascara. The mascara should be applied in thin, light layers.

Thick layers can give you the dark results you want, but these layers are often chunky and do not look very natural. Clumping is a very serious problem that most people struggle with in applying mascara.

To avoid clumping, apply the mascara a little at a time. It also helps if the product is applied slowly in a bottom to top motion.

Mascara should never be applied from left to right or right to left. Coverage can be enhanced by setting the brush at the base of the lashes and gently wiggling it before moving it upwards.

However, do not repeat this motion as you move up the lashes or you will risk clumping and developing an unnatural look. Mascara does not have to be applied to the lower lashes if you do not want to apply it.

Depending on the person the style of makeup may not require it or it may simply look better if it is not applied to the lower lashes. However, if you want to apply it to your lower eyelashes simply remember to be light and delicate.

This time, start at the root and move downward. Be careful not to apply too much or it will look odd why you are done.

Too much product can also result in smudges underneath the eye. Dark circles are already enough of a problem and they do not need to be enhanced.

One tube of mascara should only last about two months. After this period of time, you risk the mascara developing bacteria that can infect you eye.

Author Bio: Terry Daniels has been a plastic surgeon for over 20 years and has written hundreds of articles relating to plastic surgery. He recommends liposuction Utah for your plastic surgery needs.

Contact Info
Terry Daniels

Category: Beauty
Keywords: plastic surgery Utah

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