Make Sure You Don’t Believe in These SEO Myths

When dealing with a topic such as search engine optimization, also referred to as SEO, myths are common. As search engines evolve, people need to re-evaluate how to best use them, giving rise to the myths. With each change made by the search engines, the confusion and myths grow due to a lack of written rules for ranking. It is important to keep in mind search engines occasionally change their algorithms, and it is your responsibility to stay informed. You can only this by testing out various strategies and see what works.

Given below are some SEO myths that you should keep in mind when optimizing your site.

One myth is to use a header tag on your site but this does not affect your search ranking. While some still believe that keywords in the H tag can increase their rank, this is not true.

By running a few tests, you can test out this myth for yourself. For this reason, use of header tags should be kept to a minimum. But if it doesn’t help in any major way, ignore using these tags.

A majority of people also believe that the words in your Meta tag should be used on that particular page. Although this idea has been disproven, it is still taught. The real purpose of Meta tags was to find and use keywords not already on a page, not the other way around. While these tags may be useful for other functions, they are not counted for ranking purposes.

The amount of content you need on your site is the source of another myth. cialis cheap The myth generally states that you need a minimum of 250 words on your site. But there is no real optimal number that you should use as far as your content goes. Wanting to optimize as many as 3 to 5 keywords was the source of this myth. But that doesn’t mean having a shorter copy doesn’t work well.

A long copy works exactly the same way as the short one. Just don’t spoil the meaning of your content trying to impress the search engines. When writing content, use your judgment on how long is long enough.

Overall, the myths that we discussed above are definitely common but don’t have to make your SEO efforts difficult. When you’re starting to promote your site or any site with the search engines, it’s important to make sure that you know what the truth is, so that you may put your efforts in the right direction.

Author Bio: Roy Chan has been providing online business advices since 2004.
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