The Nasty Truth About Gum Disease

You may be wondering what this really is. To sum it up, gum disease is an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth-it is also called periodontitis.

There are two stages of the disease, which are called gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild gum disease that affects only the gums, and the tissue which surrounds the teeth.

Periodontitis is gum disease that gets worse and spreads below the gums to damage the tissues and bone that supports the teeth. This is obviously the later stage of damage, and is much more serious.

If you are wondering what causes this destructive oral problem, your mouth constantly makes a clear, sticky substance called plaque that contains bacteria. The bacteria in plaque make poisons, or toxins, that irritate the gums and cause the gum tissues to break down.

If you don’t do a good job of removing plaque from your teeth, it can spread below the gums and damage the bone that supports the teeth. With time, the plaque hardens into a substance called tartar that has to be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist.

You are at greater risk to get this infection if you do not clean your teeth well, smoke or chew tobacco, have a family history of the disease, or have a condition such as Leukemia, Diabetes, or AIDS which makes it harder for your body to fight infection. Also, if your life is high stress, or you have a poor diet that is low in nutrients, this can also increase your risk.

The symptoms which will surface can be gums which are red, swollen, and tender, bad breath which won’t go away, gums which bleed easily, pus, loose teeth, hard buildups of plaque and tarter, areas where your gums are pulling away or shrinking from your teeth, and more. If you are having any of these symptoms, it is important to see your dentist immediately before the problem worsens.

The treatment differs depending on how severe your case is. If you have a mild case of this problem, you will probably be able to take care of it by brushing and flossing your teeth every day and getting regular cleanings at your dentist’s office.

If your gum disease has become worse and you have periodontitis, your dentist or dental hygienist will clean your teeth using a method called root planing and scaling. This removes the plaque and tartar buildup both above and below the gum line.

You may also need to take antibiotics to help get rid of the infection in your mouth. If your gum disease is severe, you may need to have surgery.

To prevent gingivitis, it is important to start proper dental hygiene as a child and follow it throughout your whole life. Start by brushing your teeth at least two times a day, in the morning and before bedtime with fluoride toothpaste.

Floss your teeth at least once a day, and visit your dentist for regular checkups and teeth cleanings. Taking x-rays when suggested is also very important in early detection and prevention.

Don’t use tobacco products, and this can greatly increase your risk, or worsen your condition if you already have a problem. If you think you have a mild case, make sure to take care of it before it gets worse.

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy and getting regular checkups from the dentist can keep the disease Viagra Professional from getting worse. Having gum disease may increase a pregnant woman’s risk of having a premature, low-birth weight baby.

Another serious discovery is that the bacteria which causes this problem can also increase your propensity for heart disease. As you can see, keeping your mouth healthy can affect your entire body’s health.

Brushing, flossing, and gargling are very important. However, it is even more important to have your cavities treated immediately when begin to feel pain or sensitivity.

If you let a cavity go untreated, it can cause bacteria to collect more and more between your teeth, gums, etc. This can cause severe infection to occur which will turn into gingivitis, and generally periodontitis.

It is important to do whatever you can to prevent these harmful diseases. It is just as important to take care of yourself once you begin to feel any signs of problems.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick is a former dental assistant, has authored hundreds of articles relating to oral health and has worked for an Scottsdale cosmetic dentist. He has been a guest dental lecturer for over 15 years.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: Scottsdale cosmetic dentist

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