How To Boost Traffic By Podcast Marketing

Podcast marketing is clearly on the rise. One of the best ways to increase traffic to a Podcast is to submit the details to one of free Podcast directories on the internet and enjoy the edge by getting listed on the search engines within minutes! Creating a Podcast is not at all difficult. If you are capable of writing any article, you are good enough to create a Podcast.

Some directories may also cost money, but it is well worth it because it creates not only listing but also help in making increased number of back-links that help you obtain specific organic listings which in tern leads to boost in the number of hits you obtain on your web site.

All that you have to do is to have some good-quality hardware like a USB Mic and a good-quality mixer along with some good content and you are on your way to making a great Podcast! Of course, you also need a passion for what you believe in so that can specify clearly and concisely about the subject, your aims, aspirations and expectations from your target audience. You should be able to match up to their expectations in order to succeed in Podcast marketing.

Most of the blog posts and CMS software have their inbuilt plug-ins, like the ‘podPress’ in the WordPress which allows you to create a media player

within your blog, making it easier for the visitors to access your audio sources. Not only that, it also enables setting up an iTunes feed, which take you into the big-league along with Apple’s resource directory and creates many other RSS feeds which you can distribute through the online directories.

One of the better software for Podcast is “Audacity”. It is to be used on PC using which has MS Windows you installed. In case you are on a Mac, you can try using the “Garage Band”. It would be a perfect choice for producing Podcasts. It would also enable you to access royalty Viagra Professional free music and the free Apple loops in-built into this software. It also enables creating jingles as well as any other type of music for your Podcast.

What Should Your Podcast Contain?

1. Although there is a lot of room for innovation and experimentation, for a newbie the basic format should consist of.

1. An opening loop along with the jingles, made using the Podcast software

1. An introduction about yourself, specifying the area of interests and what you propose to present to the listeners.

1. Information about the topic. You should spend about three to five minutes explaining about it. If you have more than one topic, back to break up your speech in small introductions about each in not more than two to three minutes per subject.

1. Introduce some light music preferably the same as the opening jingle and close your subject.

Podcast marketing is not at all difficult and can be learned very easily by anyone with basic knowledge of media player and the internet by using various ready to use tools and plug-ins. All that is needed is your own initiative, drive and passion for the subject that you choose.

Author Bio: High traffic volume is key to making profit from your website, the Author shares the Auto site. He is using all this techniques you read in the article for his Radioblende project.

Category: Internet/Technologies/Podcasting
Keywords: podcast, marketing, increase traffic, link building, visitors,

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