Planning an Unforgettable Honeymoon

The honeymoon is a traditional vacation taken by newlywed couple. This tradition comes from Scandinavia, where it was tradition for a newly married couple to drink a cup of mead, or honeyed wine, throughout the first month of their marriage.

This custom even dates back to Atilla the Hun. The Asiatic Huns would often kidnap a bride and drink mead in celebration.

This custom took place beginning in 433 to 453 A.D. The word “moon” in “honeymoon” comes from the comparison of the affection of the newlyweds to the moon.

When they are married, their affection is full, but it begins to wane immediately. The first month of marriage is generally nothing but bliss and happiness for the couple.

However, today the honeymoon only refers to the vacation that the couple takes before they return home. Not all couples choose to go on a honeymoon, but it is very popular.

It is one of the major parts of the wedding for many couples. It is tradition for the groom to plan the honeymoon, but many couples prefer to plan this vacation together.

Before you leave on your honeymoon, make sure you copy all of the important documents that you will take with you. You will want to have backups in case you lose the original copies.

The honeymoon is one vacation where you do not want to have an interesting story to tell. You will want plans to go smoothly.

You may want to ask your friends and family for their recommended locations. Make sure that you select locations and places that are comfortable and that have little that can go wrong.

You do not want things to be rough your first week together. If you can, try to splurge a little on better room.

You will also want to consider what kind of transportation you will be hiring. The night of the reception you will probably want to leave in style, which means you will hire a limousine.

Consider how far you want take the limousine. It could take you to another Levitra Professional car that you could travel farther with, a local hotel where you will be staying the night, or to meet your cruise.

Be sure to talk to the limousine rental company before the night of your reception so that you are not charged extra fines because they were unaware of your plans. Limousines are a great way to leave the reception with class.

As you pick locations for your honeymoon, be sure to do enough research on each location. Make sure that you have all of the necessary documents, such as your passports, if you are traveling out of the country.

Make sure your ATM card will work in the country you are traveling to, or take the equivalent form of cash for that country. You do not want to arrive and then be stranded because you cannot access your money.

The honeymoon is going to be a very special trip that you will want to remember for years to come. Be sure to take a lot of pictures so that you will be able to remember things with more ease in the years to come.

In addition, keep a journal of what activities you do. Even by the end of the trip, you may have trouble remembering with clarity what things you did at the beginning.

Store your memory in a journal so that you will be able to access it in the years to come. Even if you do not have too much time for writing, jot down one phrase that will jog your memory later when you have time to write it down.

Be sure to make reservations for your honeymoon before you go. Most weddings occur around the same time.

This means that there will be thousands of weddings occurring around the same time as the booming tourist season potentially. You do not want to leave the reception in the limousine and discover that there is not housing anywhere.

Be sure to plan ahead and make reservations. You can only spend so much time on a vacation.

Make the most of this time by being willing to spend a little more to maximize the time you have instead of spending extra time in various ways to save money. Finally, if a company gets something wrong or does not hold your reservation, make sure you ask for a refund.

Many companies will give your money back to you and compensate you in other ways. By following these tips, you will have an unforgettable honeymoon.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick has worked in the limousine industry for the past 19 years and written hundreds of articles about limousine services and he recommends to get aChicago limo for any of your events.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Relationships/Weddings
Keywords: Chicago Limo

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