8 Ways NOT to Organise a Stag Weekend!

Stag Weekends are a chance for a group of men to get together and have a laugh before one of them commits to the woman of his dreams, but they can end in disaster! Avoid Stag Do blunders by following these great tips on how NOT to organise a Stag Weekend!

Don’t invite the Bride! Yes we know this seems obvious but you’d be surprised! Have a chat with the Bride-To-Be beforehand, or the Head Bridesmaid, and find out what their plans are – you want to make sure both parties do not end up in the same club!

Don’t forget the Groom! Again perhaps an obvious one but try not to leave the Groom anywhere (whether that be a club or another country!). If you are planning on purposely leaving the Groom somewhere then organise the Stag Weekend well in advance of the wedding – the last thing you want is a Groom no show on the big day!

Don’t hire a stripper who turns out to be a friend of the Bride! This one is always worth checking! You never know who the Bride-To-Be may know and learning that her mate from the pub gave her Husband-To-Be a lap dance is not going to go down too well!

Don’t leave everything to the last minute! Sending everyone a Facebook message a day before the proposed Stag Weekend date will not win you any brownie points! A top class Stag Weekend should be well planned and organised down to the last detail; if you need help then take advantage of Stag Weekend organisers who can cater a weekend just for you.

Don’t let practical jokes get out of hand! Things seem funnier when you are drunk for some reason but don’t let drunken ‘good ideas’ have a damaging effect! Dying the Groom’s hair permanent blue for example will probably not go down too well with the Bride – although it would make for interesting photos!

Don’t forget the Bride! A woman scorned is a bad thing indeed and you don’t want your mate’s married life to start on a negative! Plan the Stag Weekend with the Bride’s feelings in mind – if hiring a stripper will upset her (aka make your mate’s life hell!) then avoid it.

Don’t over complicate the weekend! At the end of the day a Stag Weekend is a group of lads getting together for a knees up – it is most definitely not a regimented army routine! Plan certain activities but do not have a minute by minute diary for the weekend.

Don’t invite the Bride’s exes! Unless you all get on it is probably wise to avoid exes, especially when there is drink involved! A Stag Weekend album filled with punch up pictures isn’t going to entertain many at future family get togethers!

So there you have it; 8 ways not to mess up a Stag Do! Remember these handy tips when you organise a Stag Do; the Groom will thank you in the long run if he has a stress free time!

Author Bio: Dom Evans is a well travelled writer who is now concentrating on utilizing his experiences in advising on the best stag do destinations. He currently works at Playaway Weekends, researching and sampling world wide stag do destinations.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: stag do, stag weekend, best man, wedding, marriage, groom, bride

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