Anyone Can Learn to Sing

Excepting those born tone deaf (yes, it is a real condition) anyone can learn to sing. Singing is an art, but it is also a science, and the techniques for singing can be taught to anyone, of any age, and either sex. The only thing keeping you from doing it, is you.

Now, this is not to say natural ability is a non-existent thing. It has nothing to do with being able to sing, or even how well you sing, but rather it determines how you sound. Being a great singer is about figuring out what your voice sounds best doing, and doing it. Trying too hard to be like someone else means you will always be comparing yourself to them, and that is no way to learn to do something. Especially since they already know how, and you are just getting started.

So in that regard if you set out to learn to sing thinking you can be just like a certain singer, forget it. Your voice is your own, and you will never be great with your voice if all you can think about is trying to have someone else’s. There will be some things you wont be able to do, and some things you will be able to do very well. The trick is to focus on the things you do very well.

Honestly I can not stress this enough. If you have a deep voice, you will not be able to sing really high notes. The same goes for having a higher voice and trying to sing like a bass in a doo wop group. It just aint, gonna happen. Some people are born with a nicer sounding singing voice, for certain styles of singing. A lot of people think Mariah Carey is amazing, but I can’t stand her voice. So personal taste is something to keep in mind.

Style of music is also important. Carey would sound like a fool trying to sing with a heavy metal band, and the idea of seeing Lemmy from MotorHead trying to sing R&B/Pop is pretty funny to me. You can control your voice to a degree, and shape it to work with the style of music you want to do, but only so far. You don’t hear Macy Gray trying to sing super high notes like Carey, even though technically they are both Pop/R&B artists. Know your voice, and the music will follow.

So you can learn to sing if you don’t go into it with too many ideas of what you will sound like. Let your natural voice out and you can do lots of things, try to be something you’re not able to, and you will never see anything but failure.

The thing that is most important to remember is that you lose nothing in the trying, and have everything to gain. The only thing keeping you from finding out how good you can be is fear of failure. Find a vocal coach, or get a guide on singing and give it a shot, like I said, you have nothing to lose.

Author Bio: For more singing tips visit this link: Singing Tips To read a review on an excellent Singing Guide use this one: Singorama Review – Stupid Name, Excellent Singing guide

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: anyone can learn to sing, is singing a natural talent, can anyone learn to sing, can i learn to sing

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