Are You Having a Love Affair With Someone Or With a Dream?

What the title of this article No prescription cialis means to say is that in a relationship, you need to be sure that the object of your affection is your partner, not someone else whom you want him to become. People generally resist attempts to make them somebody else and if you are using your relationship to have a love affair with a dream, you are bound for the rocky shallows.

Good relationships should be based on mutual commitment to provide each other’s needs more than to benefit from each other’s potentials. This is so because the objective of coming together in life is to work together to improve the quality of life for yourselves as well as for everyone else you will affect. The obligation of couples involves each other just as much as it will include any offspring that will result from that union.

If you are having a love affair with a dream, chances are you will not be aware that your partner has emotional as well as physical needs aside from those that you expect him to have. By regarding your partner as some ideal person that you have seen in your imagination only, you won’t be in a position to provide him with what he requires to grow as a human being spiritually and perhaps also physically depending on how far from your ideal your partner in the love affair is in reality.

A love affair with a dream is essentially a very selfish attitude that refuses to acknowledge the existence of human imperfection because it is not generous or courageous enough to take the time and the effort to help others overcome their defects.

A love affair with a dream is wanting to reap before you have tilled and sown and watered.

A love affair with a dream will not only hinder the development of the object of your infatuation, but it may also work for your own detriment. Persistence in this perspective will lead you farther and farther away from reality, make you able to cope less and less with your own disappointments and eventually create a hell for your relationship instead of a heaven.

Fortunately, life does not condone living in an illusory world. People who are having a love affair with a dream are bound for trouble. This is nature’s way of waking them up. That relationship of theirs will end in disappointment and heartache for all involved unless reality is given the amount of attention that it demands…and usually life needs our full attention.

So if your relationship is presently in a fix, examine yourself and your motives carefully. You might be having a love affair with a dream and not even be aware of it. Do you really know your partner and accept him for what he is? Are you willing to go all the way…and more…to ensure that mutual love and cooperation will always be prioritized in your love affair? If not, then its time to do a makeover.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts is sick of having to run to the store and buy an expensive roll of wrapping paper for every gift that she has to give. Christine has written a site containing reviews on wrapping paper storage, as well as the wrappng paper organizer.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: relationships, love affair

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