Autumn Morning

The dew had frozen overnight to every surface in the woods. From the stumps of mighty fallen trees to the most delicate blade of grass there was a shimmering coating of silver and white. The rising sun would cause each object to sparkle, but its rays were not strong enough yet to melt away the frost.

I drew a deep breath and exhaled seeing how far I could reach beyond where I stood as the air escaped my lungs with a rush and became visible as soon as it passed my lips. The crisp frost, twigs and brush snapped and popped with each step I took. Aware that I was disturbing the peaceful quiet of the woods I slowed my pace and measured my steps.

It was mid autumn and the tree canopy was ablaze with color, as was the forest floor. Brilliant yellows, oranges and crimsons were laid out like a carpet before me. Up ahead in a clearing was my goal. I started to wonder the best way to get there. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but that seemed so expected. Suddenly Supertramp popped into my head – Take The Long Way Home. There was no hurry. Besides, slow and steady wins the race.

I started off cautiously in solitude. I wondered where the rest of my party was. Was I alone in the woods? Were they back at a lodge somewhere enjoying hot coffee and stacks of pancakes with warm maple syrup? Would they return? As I immersed myself in my thoughts I became careless in my steps and caught my foot on a fallen tree limb buried under a pile of leaves. The same leaves helped break my fall. I looked around instinctively to see if anyone had seen, or in this case to see if a squirrel was laughing. Then a thought of terror filled me. Had I yelled out as I went down? Was my position compromised?

I flipped over onto my back and laid low for several more minutes – waiting to hear something, anything. Nothing. A flock of Canada geese flew directly overhead in a perfect V formation. The lead goose was flapping twice as fast and hard as those on the flanks. I thought about what a good target I was making for them and prayed they didn’t think the same thing.

After a few more minutes of silence I concluded that it was safe to return to my feet and continue my quest. With great care I made it to my feet. Just as I straightened to stand completely up right, that’s when it happened. The paintball exploded squarely on my chest pad. Residual splatter covered my goggles as the sting of the hit sent shockwaves through my upper extremities. I raised both my hands in defeat, my right one still clenching my own paintball gun. Through the streaking paint splatters I could see the opponent’s flag in the clearing. So close, and yet so far away.

Author Bio: Mike regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Marker and the Tippmann A-5, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: Paintball Marker, Tippmann A-5

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