Bamboo Massage
In today’s stressful and tumultuous world, one of the many methods that people employ in order to relax is massage. Massage therapy is quickly becoming a preferred method of stress relief and relaxation. The key to this form of therapy is to target areas on the body that tend are susceptible to pressure and try to release whatever strain they may be experiencing. Many persons, if not everyone, is familiar with the traditional form of massage in which the hands are used in order to release pressure from the body. However, one of the methods of massage which is popular in Asian culture and which is becoming popular in the Western world as well is that of bamboo massage.
Asians such as the Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese typically use bamboo in their festivals and rituals as the bamboo symbolizes life energy, prosperity, longevity, sexuality and fertility. For the Chinese, the bamboo is a symbol eternal youth, strength, peace as well as prosperity. It must be said that bamboo massage is not as new as it may seem. It has been used in ancient times and its uses include more than just body work.
The process of bamboo massage employs Levitra Professional the use of bamboo stalks which vary in length and thickness. These bamboo stalks are used to provide deep-tissue work. Some of the benefits of bamboo massage are that it promotes blood circulation, improves sensory nerve perception and drainage of the lymphatic system while also providing a sense of relaxation and relief from tension. Bamboo massage is also beneficial to the massage therapist as it lessens the stress that is placed on the hands and fingers while still affording the massage therapist to penetrate deeply into the body tissues.
The use of bamboo for the purpose of massages is beneficial since the pressure that is applied using the bamboo sticks can penetrate deep into the tissues of the body. This helps to raise energy levels of the body and it also creates an improved degree of fluidity in the body. This revitalizes the body, especially for someone who was feeling sluggish. Bamboo sticks relieves sluggishness by releasing the heat that accumulates when toxins build up in the body and there is inadequate circulation to get rid of them.
Another method for bamboo massage it the Tian Di Bamboo massage which was developed by Ernesto Ortiz who incorporated the Chinese five elements theory. This theory incorporates fire, earth, metal, wood and water into the massage technique. For this massage, bamboo is cut into different sizes and the stalks of bamboo act as an extension of the therapists’ hands, forearms and elbows. This allows the massage therapist to work more deeply into the body tissues and increases the effectiveness of the massage. Bamboo massage is definitely something that everyone should try as a method of tension relief as it provides instant and long lasting results. It aids in the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well being and improves the connection between mind and body
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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: bamboo massage, massage techniques, aromatherapy massage, massage candle