Beginning an Application For Social Security Disability

It is extremely Important that Applicants Understand what Materials and Evidence should be Included in their Social Security Disability Applications.

As they begin their applications for Social Security Disability benefits, most people don’t realize how long it could take them to receive an approval. Between the system’s backlog and the increased number of applications received daily, the Social Security Administration has their hands full. In order to make their way through as many applications as possible, and not add to the backlog, those reviewing the applications for Social Security Disability are exacting in their requirements. If an application is not complete, it is denied. Therefore, it’s extremely important that applicants understand exactly what materials and types of evidence should be included in their applications.

What materials and evidence are necessary for Social Security Disability applications?
For all disabilities, Social Security will look at the severity of the disability, how it affects the applicant’s ability to work, and whether the disability is likely to continue for at least a year. Depending on what type of disability the applicant is claiming on their application for SSI or SSDI, the specific criteria that their evidence will have to meet will change. It’s safe to say that descriptions of symptoms of the disability and medical records will always be needed.

In most cases, Social Security will look at how well the applicant is able to function doing common daily-living tasks in order to establish the severity of the disability. Examples of daily-living activities might include cleaning, cooking, shopping, taking public transportation, paying bills, maintaining a residence, appropriate personal hygiene, using telephones and directories, and using a post office.

How many Applications for Social Security Disability are Approved?

A shocking 60 percent off all applications for Social Security Disability are denied. For many people, this denial for Social Security Disability benefits is a shocking blow. “How?” they wonder, can I possibly have been denied when it’s so clear that I’m disabled?” There are many reasons applications get denied, from missing information to insufficient evidence of a disability. To combat this problem, applicants should be sure that they include medical records and notes from every medical professional that they’ve seen. Personal records of symptoms, even diaries that detail the way the disability affects the applicant’s life, should always be included.

How Can a Social Security Disability Lawyer Help?

The best way to ensure that an application will provide enough evidence of disability is to work with a Social Security Disability attorney. While there’s no requirement that all applicants use Social Security Disability attorneys, it is a smart thing to do. Their experience and knowledge allows them to spot holes in the evidence of disability while there’s still a chance to fix it. Social Security Disability lawyers can help applicants gather more medical evidence if necessary, and share the work of tracking down all the doctors and other professionals who the applicant has seen in the past. Under the guidance of a Social Security Disability lawyer, the odds of being awarded Social Security Disability benefits increase significantly. With the help of a professional, eight out of 10 applicants receive benefits.

Author Bio: Matt Berry is a Social Security lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia at Berry & Associates. Berry & Associates Social Security Disability lawyers are attorneys that can help with SSDI, SSD and SSI Disability Benefit Claims.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Social Security Disability lawyers, Social Security Disability applications

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