Best Exercises For Boot Camps

Boot camp workouts involve pushing the body to its limits. Most people prefer to do boot camps with others by meeting up in places like parks and using the collective team spirit to achieve what a single individual finds difficult to do. A boot camp more or less represents the rigorous training schedule which army soldiers follow usually early in the morning. A boot camp helps one maintain good health, proper heart beat and metabolism rate and lose fat and lot of calories. The best part about these is that one doesn’t need a sophisticated gym or equipment to do these exercises. Most of them are free body exercises that can be done anywhere at any time of the day and hence helps to provide flexibility to one’s schedule.

The quickest boot camp exercises can be accomplished in as less as 10 minutes. In these rigorous 10 minutes, one can do 3 or 4 warm up exercises, followed by pushing themselves to do up to 4 very demanding exercises which usually involve the full body and are traditionally known to be exercising almost the whole boy. After these exercises for the various muscles, one can wind up by doing a few simple stretching exercises which help the muscles relax and avoid pain after the physical activity. The 10 minute boot camp is sufficient to make one lean and lose lot of fat.

The same set can be done for 20 minutes as well if one has the time. This will primarily target the upper part of the body along with hands and legs. The exercises burn a lot of fat and build lean muscles. They also help in enhancing the cardio endurance of the person. Some of the most popular boot camp exercises include the horizontal arm swing and the burpees. In the horizontal arm swing exercises one simply warms up the body by standing upright and then stretching out the arms wide and then bringing them back and crossing across the shoulders. Burpees involve slightly more physical activity, warming up the entire body where the person should jump high up in the air, then land on the feet and the palms followed by kicking the legs in the air. This exercise will help free up the entire body including hands and legs. The knee arm drill is another warm up exercise where one can bring the Brand Viagra knees up to the chest level and keep the hands there too as if running in the same place. Some people prefer to do it on a step or raised ground in front of them.

The pushups are another free body boot camp exercise which can be done in a lot of variations to burn calories and build lean muscles in the body. With pushups one can build the shoulder muscles, triceps, chest and the stomach muscles. Pushups can be done by varying the distance between both the hands. This will help build the triceps. One can also increase the challenge by placing the feet on a chair, thus making the hands and chest stay at a lower level than the legs. Pull-ups are another variation where you can build the muscles of your upper back, abs and your biceps. Doing pull-ups and pushups alternatively in sets help to exercise all the shoulder muscles and the upper part of the body including back and chest.
The plant exercise where one uses arms and feet to make a plank position and then lift the feet to further increase the challenge is another simple but effective exercise. Most of these boot camp exercises can be done at any time in any place without the need for equipment and are extremely effective too.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to book a Sydney boot camp or a free 2 week Sydney boot camp trial, visit Sydney boot camp.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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