Birth Plan Basics: Keeping Your Expectations in Check

For most moms-to-be, having a small amount of control during labor is always better than having no control at all. This is one of the reasons birth plans are so popular. It’s an opportunity to create – at least on paper – an ideal childbirth experience.

The birth plan is a simple, one-page document that lists important details regarding your preferences while you’re having your baby. For example, it might include whether you wish to have an epidural administered; it may specify the coping skills you want to use; it might indicate whether you would like music in the background and if so, what kind. These and dozens of other details can be noted on your birth plan.

A lot of pregnant women are surprised to learn their birth plans can be dismissed or modified by their doctor or nurses. This can be deeply frustrating for moms-to-be, especially when the doctor’s decisions get in the way of their enjoying the childbirth experience. Below, we’ll explore the reasons your birth plan might be changed by your doctor. We’ll also provide a quick list of four important items to include.

Why Birth Plans Change

Giving birth is an unpredictable event. There are hundreds of things that can go wrong that require the intervention of your care providers. For example, your blood pressure may unexpectedly drop; the umbilical cord may somehow become wrapped around your baby’s neck; your placenta may cover your entire cervix. Each of these events poses risks. Your health and that of your baby take priority over your preferences.

Your birth plan might specifically state your preference for a natural birth, but unforeseen circumstances might make a vaginal birth dangerous. Or, you might want to experience childbirth without the dulling effect of medications, but your doctor may be forced to administer a general anesthesia for an emergency cesarean.

These are merely a few of the myriad reasons your doctor may be forced to change your plan. Not doing so can potentially place your life, and that of your baby, in danger.

Key Items To Consider For Your Birth Plan

As long as you have realistic expectations and realize there’s a chance your childbirth may not go according to your birth plan, it’s worth creating one. To help you get started, here are 4 key items to consider…

#1 – Atmosphere Of The Delivery Room

This part of your plan should include details regarding the lighting, music, and coping skills you want to use. You can also specify the types of food you’d like to eat while in labor.

#2 – Medications To Control Pain

This portion of the plan should indicate whether you would prefer an anesthesia, epidural, or other type of medications, and if so, when. Every hospital has their own policies regarding the administration of drugs to help control pain. Your plan should formally state you are familiar with these policies.

#3 – Nursing

Most new moms prefer to start nursing their newborns immediately following childbirth. Your birth plan should clarify your preferences. If you do not intend to breastfeed your baby, include an alternative in your plan.

#4 – Fetal Monitoring

Mention the type of monitoring you prefer and the circumstances under which you would like it done. For example, you can choose electronic fetal monitoring, or the use of a Dopper or fetoscope. You can also specify that you would like to avoid continuous monitoring unless the condition of your baby warrants it.

Your birth plan can be as detailed as you would like. It can – and should – include your preferences regarding labor inducement, cesarean delivery, post-delivery events, and similar details. Keep in mind your care provider will have a much easier time following your plan if you limit it to a single page. Manage your expectations and be willing to adapt to changes if they become necessary.

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Category: Parenting
Keywords: birth plan, birth plan basics, pregnancy, birth expectations

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