Bleeding Your Car’s Brake Lines: Step by Step

When you replace your brake pads or calipers, it’s important to take the time to bleed the lines. Air can gain access and prevent your braking system from working properly. Your pedal will have a “soft” feeling to it when you press down. The pedal may travel too far and require pumping in order to slow your vehicle.

Bleeding your brakes helps to ensure air is eliminated from the lines. This article will describe the steps involved. You’ll need a special bleeder wrench and a canister of brake fluid. The task will also require the help of a friend.

Step 1 – Find The Bleeder Screw

The bleeder screws are located near each of the calipers and wheel cylinders. You may find them easier to locate and reach if you put your vehicle on stands and approach them from underneath.

Step 2 – Loosen The Bleeder Screw

Avoid using a conventional wrench to loosen the screw. Instead, use a special bleeder wrench; it will help you avoid rounding off the head. If the screw is fastened too tightly or rust prevents you from loosening it, spray WD-40 around the edge. If you inadvertently break the screw off, repairing it may be expensive.

Step 3 – Bleed The Fluid

Connect a small hose to the loosened bleeder screw. The other end of the hose should be positioned in a pan or small container. Have your friend press the brake pedal down and allow it to return; have him (or her) do this several times. Brake fluid will drain through the hose into the pan.

As your friend works the pedal, air will be forced out with the fluid. You’ll notice bubbles in the pan. When the last of the air bubbles have been forced out, have your friend keep the pedal pressed down to the floorboard while you replace the bleeder screw. If the pedal is allowed to return before the screw is in place, air can gain access into the line again.

Step 4 – Double Check For Air

To make sure there is no air in the lines, have your friend press down on the pedal while you loosen the screw slightly. Then, tighten the screw and have him or her release the pedal. Do this several times to force out any residual air.

Step 5 – Replenish The Master Cylinder

Remove the cap from the top of the master cylinder (located near the firewall) and pour in a sufficient amount of brake fluid to bring the level to full. This is an important step. If you neglect to replenish the fluid that was drained through the bleeder screw, air can gain access through the master cylinder. If this happens, you’ll need to bleed it.

The process of bleeding the cylinder is similar to the procedure described above. The only difference is that the fluid (and air) will be drained by bleeding the line from the cylinder rather than through the bleeder screw.

Step 6 – Test Drive Your Brake System

Once you have bled the lines at all four wheels and have replenished the brake fluid, drive your vehicle for a few minutes. Test the brakes. The pedal should no longer feel soft. If it does, that means air is still present in the lines. You’ll need to bleed them again.

The procedure actually requires less time than you might think, especially with the help of a friend. That said, if you’re unwilling to spend the time and effort to bleed your brakes on your own, a mechanic should be able to do the job easily. It’s a relatively simple task, but it can have a dramatic influence on the performance of your brakes.

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Category: Automotive
Keywords: brakes, car brakes, auto brakes, car parts, auto parts, bleeding brake lines

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