Changes Your Canine Will Experience As He Ages

As dogs grow older, they experience several changes that their owners should be prepared to accommodate. Just as people suffer physical, physiological, and emotional changes as they age, so too, does your pooch. If you’re diligent about making regular appointments with his veterinarian, you’ll be able to catch health problems when they manifest. Addressing them early gives you a better chance of resolving them – or at least, slowing their effects.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the changes your canine will experience as he enters his twilight years. The following list will help you prepare for these changes, so you’ll be able to make him more comfortable.

Changes In Dietary Needs

The older he gets, the less active he’ll be. This means he’ll be burning less energy and fewer calories. If you continue feeding him the same portions he has always eaten, he’ll gain weight. This is the road to obesity, which is a common catalyst for a number of canine health problems.

Feed him smaller portions as his activity level declines. Also, consider buying a commercial brand for him that is formulated for senior dogs. These brands will usually offer more fiber and less fat, which will help with his digestion. If your pooch loses his appetite, check with his veterinarian regarding whether supplemental vitamins are appropriate.

Increasing Joint Pain And Reduced Muscle Mass

A lot of canines suffer from joint pain as they age. Sometimes, the pain is due to a disorder involving the joint’s structure (e.g. hip dysplasia). Other times, it is due to arthritis as the cartilage wears away over the years. Large breeds often deal with this at a younger age than smaller breeds. In either case, the discomfort will further reduce his activity, which leads to a reduction in muscle mass.

If you’re inactive for long periods, your muscles will atrophy. The same is true for dogs. When they begin suffering from joint pain, they move around less to ease the discomfort. This causes their muscles to become smaller over time, which in turn, makes them less inclined to move around.

Physiological Changes

Your dog will also experience several changes in his body as he grows older. For example, he may suffer recurring constipation as his reduced activity level slows food as it moves through his GI tract. His heart will become less capable of pumping blood as effectively as it did when he was younger.

Many older canines experience kidney problems due to less blood flow from the heart. Others might develop issues with their respiratory system. Incontinence and prostate issues may also emerge. Eventually, your dog’s liver might begin to malfunction, which means the organ will be less capable of metabolizing drugs that are in his blood. These physiological problems, while serious, are a natural part of your canine’s aging process.

Behavioral Changes

It’s common for senior dogs to show signs of separation anxiety. They become less capable of handling stressful situations, such as when their owner leaves them. This inability to control their stress level can also trigger aggressive behavior, even in a canine that has always been docile.

You might also notice that your older pooch begins barking and making other noises more frequently. This might be due to stress or a slow loss of hearing.

Hearing And Vision Problems

A loss of hearing in dogs is difficult to identify. It happens so gradually that owners are often unaware their canines are having trouble hearing them. As the problem worsens, your pooch may seem to be ignoring your calls and commands.

Vision problems are also common when dogs near their last years. You may notice a slight cloudiness develops in your canine’s eyes; this might suggest the presence of cataracts. If you suspect glaucoma, take your pooch to his veterinarian as quickly as possible.

In many ways, a dog ages similarly to people. The changes your canine may experience as he grows older are comparable to those suffered by many elderly people. Prepare in advance so you can better accommodate his needs.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: aging dogs, elderly dogs, hearing and vision problems in dogs,

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