Choosing an Anti Aging Cream

The first thing that you want to ask about an anti aging cream is this. What does it contain? I have evaluated dozens of products. Sometimes, it is easy to find out about the ingredients. Other times, it’s hard.

It’s easy enough to read the label of ingredients when you are shopping in a store. But, if you’re like a lot of people, you are doing more shopping online. Unless the product label is included on the company’s website or a detailed description of every ingredient is provided, there’s no way to tell what you are getting until the package is delivered.

Why are the ingredients so important? A few people have asked me that. There are a couple of reasons.

First, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, most people have had an allergic or adverse reaction to a cosmetic at some point in their lives. The only way to protect your self is to learn about common allergens and irritants. Then you can avoid products containing them. That’s what the FDA suggests.

The phrase “hypoallergenic” does not mean that the product is free of allergens. It means that it contains ingredients that are less likely Brand Cialis to cause allergic reactions than those in the standard product.

People sometimes have severe reactions to anti aging cream. Copper is a “hot” ingredient right now. The benefits are negligible and the risks are great. It can cause skin peeling and permanent scarring.

By far, the most common causes of allergic reactions are artificial preservatives and added fragrances. Even naturally occurring fragrances can cause allergic reaction when they are concentrated.

They can also be toxic to the nervous system. If you are depressed and you don’t know why, it could be because of the perfume in your anti aging cream.

Safety is not the only reason that we need to learn what our cosmetics contain before we buy them. Everyone wants something effective. Some compounds have been proven effective in numerous clinical trials. But, many of the common ingredients have no proven benefits.

Take collagen for example. Countless products are being advertised on TV as anti-aging solutions because they contain collagen.

It’s true that collagen is important to the skin’s strength and firmness. It is also true that collagen production slows down with age. But, applying the protein topically cannot be effective.

Collagen fibers are located deep within the skin; not on the surface. An anti aging cream containing collagen cannot penetrate to the location of the collagen fibers. The molecules are too large.

In addition, the type of collagen used in creams and lotions cannot be used by the human body. High heat and harsh chemicals are used to process it. This destroys the basic function of the protein.

On the other hand, a protein-complex called Functional Keratin is effective. Keratin is the protein found in the skin’s “outer” layers.

Studies show that using an anti aging cream containing Functional Keratin on a daily basis for 18 days improves the skin’s firmness by more than 40%. So, that’s an ingredient to look for.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum is an expert author on the topic of Holistic Skin Care. After years of research, the skin care products she recommends use a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients to create an anti aging serum. To learn more visit her website

Category: Aging
Keywords: anti aging cream

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