Choosing the Pepper Spray That is Right For You

Pepper sprays are some of the most popular self defense products on the market today. Defense sprays are affordable, easy to carry and use, and extremely effective. Often referred to as Mace (which is actually a specific brand), pepper sprays are enormously popular for use in self defense situations. These nonlethal canisters do not cause long-term physical effects on the target, and are designed to give the victim precious moments to get away from a dangerous or violent situation. When it comes to buying pepper spray, there are countless options. Here is a guide to buying the pepper spray that is right for you:

Purpose – Most general-purpose pepper sprays are formulated to take down humans almost instantly. They should also work against animals, such as bears or dogs, although their effects might be a bit unpredictable. If you’re looking for a pepper spray specifically to use against wild or domestic animals, consider bear spray or dog spray, which has been formulated to work efficiently yet non-lethally against animals.

Size and Capacity – The size and style of the canister is perhaps one of the most important decisions you can make regarding your pepper spray purchase. Pepper spray comes in everything from a keychain or disguised pen-style canister perfect for to carrying in your purse to a large can to keep by your front door. Even the tiniest half-ounce canisters carry up to 20 half-second bursts of spray, more than enough to take an attacker down. If you plan to take your pepper spray with you to protect you from muggings, carjackings, assaults, and other potential street crimes, select a small and convenient canister.

Formulation and Concentration – Most pepper sprays contain OC, or Oleoresin Capsicum, which is a chemical derived from hot peppers. Others contain orthochlorobenzalmalonigtrile (CS) or CN (alphachloroacetaphenone). In general, the most effective pepper sprays contain OC rather than CS or CN. OC is a natural chemical that works instantly to cause tears and temporary blindness, lung inflammation and uncontrollable coughing, and other symptoms to take down any attacker quickly. In addition to the formulation, the pepper spray also derives its strength from the chemical’s concentration, which may range from about 6% to 18%.

Strength – The strength of pepper spray is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHUs), the same scale used to measure the heat of hot peppers. Jalapenos are rated at 5,000 SHU, while Habaneros are up to 300,000 SHU. Pure OC can be rated up to 15 million SHU, although formulations exceeding 4 million SHU are not recommended for self defense sprays. The most effective pepper sprays are rated between 500,000 and 3 million SHU.

Delivery – Pepper sprays may be released from the canister in several manners, including a fine mist spray, a fog, or a stream. Fogs are ideal for targeting a wide area, such as when being attacked by a group of assailants. A stream is great for those who are confident in their aim, as it delivers a larger quantity of pepper spray concentrated in one area. A mist is recommended for those who want an easy-to-use way to fight back against an attacker, but are worried that their aim might not be very accurate. In addition the delivery method, the canister design also affects the range of the spray. Some sprays have a range of 4-8 feet, while others, particularly the solid stream style, will reach attackers standing as many as 20 feet away.

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